Pull type box blade with tilt axle??

   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle?? #1  


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
Kioti, kubota
Been looking at pull type box blades , and thinking of getting one that has a tilt feature in the axle, but not sure if either style would be better than the other. Here are pics of the two types of axle styles I've seen.


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   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle?? #2  
I would rather not have that one in the center photo, where the axle pivots on a single bolt, very close to the elevation frame. If the axle had about a 1.5-2 inch pivot, and was spaced out from the frame so dirt and gravel didn't jam it, then a toss-up.

   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle?? #3  
Agree with Bruce- the middle one looks like something that might get bent. First one seems to be a better way of tilting as it follows along and not dependent on a bolt for the axle operation

Just my :2cents: worth :confused3:
   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle??
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That's some of the same concerns I was having, also wondering if it would really be that beneficial to have the tilt feature.
   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle?? #5  
a tractors 3pt hitch gives you all that without the gauge wheels (some times gauge wheels optional)

1st photo, you can deal with ditches or maintain a dirt/gravel road that has a slant to it, to help shed off water
2nd photo, same as first with rear tilt cylinder, and then able to raise and lower it.
3rd photo, if you wanted a certain grade, and wanted to feather out the dirt as you were going on. this would be it. the 2 cylinders working together would be like adjusting a "top link" on a 3ph hitch. BUT! it does not do angling!

1st photo, i would avoid
2nd photo, if nothing but dirt/gravel driveway
3rd photo, if doing a lot of re-landscaping of property, and trying to get things nice and level.

though with above, i would most likely go straight for a 3ph box blade, and get a TNT (top and tilt) setup for the 3pt hitch (top link, and 1 or both side links, get replaced with hydraulic cylinders), and have everything, and be able to re-use the TNT for other 3pt stuff. and possibly be able to backup with box blade down, to kinda push some light stuff backwards.
   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle?? #6  
I think the 1st and 3rd photo are the same equipment and #2 is a different machine. :confused3:
   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle?? #7  
a tractors 3pt hitch gives you all that without the gauge wheels (some times gauge wheels optional)

though with above, i would most likely go straight for a 3ph box blade, and get a TNT (top and tilt) setup for the 3pt hitch (top link, and 1 or both side links, get replaced with hydraulic cylinders), and have everything, and be able to re-use the TNT for other 3pt stuff. and possibly be able to backup with box blade down, to kinda push some light stuff backwards.

I see from a web-search that these come 8' and 10' wide, but the one in the picture looks small; maybe 4'-5'. If that is the case a BB with TnT might be better. What is price for the drag unit you're looking to buy?

TnT=$650 TSC BB 5'= $600 Total $1,250
   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle?? #8  
Mine is like the 1st picture, without the hyd cyl. It seems to work real good when doing the road.
   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle??
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I don't have any prices yet, matter of fact I may take a six foot three point box blade and build my own wheels instead of buying a new one. I think I'll go with the tilt design in the first and third pic.
   / Pull type box blade with tilt axle?? #10  
Been looking at pull type box blades , and thinking of getting one that has a tilt feature in the axle, but not sure if either style would be better than the other. Here are pics of the two types of axle styles I've seen.
The biggest draw-back I see with this type of BB is there would be no close quartering to the back side...
It looks like it would be ideal for strictly (open ended) grading etc. applications though...!