Quality Hydraulic Disconnects

   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects #1  


Silver Member
Nov 13, 2009
East Central Oklahoma
CaseIH 50A, CaseIH JX95, CaseIH JX80, Allis 190XT, Daewoo DD80L Dozer, Schaeff SKL831 Loader, Komatsu PC40-7 Trackhoe, JCB 210S TLB, JD750, JD820, Kubota FR3680, Kioti Mechron
Let me and others know what your experience is.

Is there any one brand that seem to hold up best? Between the two basic styles, ball and poppet valve does one or the other leak least?

Replacing whatever came on my CaseIH JX series tractors with something else but what? Not sure what is on the machines but whatever they are they have always leaked like sieves even when nothing is connected to them. Look like lowest bid to Turktractor. At least they claim to be push-pull connectors.

I've heard people say if it comes with Safeway take them off and some swear by and not at Safeway brand. Never heard a word on Stucchi. Parker has a crummy web site. Fastner ... don't see much of them. Snapon, don't see them much either.

In Ag style, forget the flat face since they are too expensive and I'd have to refit all the equipment to use them, there are some basic flavors that I think I understand:

ISO 5675 which interchanges with ISO 7241-1 series A. These come in ball seal and poppet seal flavors and

push one way, e.g. Safeway S20, Stucchi IR and BR, Parker 4000?

push-pull one hand operation, e.g. Safeway S40, Stucchi IRS, I-IP, Faster CPV - CNV and Parker 4200

and push-pull connect under pressure, e.g. Safeway S70, Stucchi IRS PC

ISO 7241-1 series B has a larger diameter and longer male nipple and will not fit the above but is similar e.g. Stucchi IRB, IRBX and IRBO or Safeway S10

I may just get torqued off and go with flat face couplers if I can find some that won't leak.
   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects #2  
The ones for my loader on the JD 2030 also leak. Since the loader was used, I bought all new from the JD dealer, they also leak :mad: They are the ball style, unsure of the brand, they are not marked. I should have tried something from a newer machine instead of what parts listed for the JD 245 loader :mad:

The ones on my JD 6415 do not leak, they are marked FASTER, they are poppet style. :)
   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects
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One vote for Faster poppet style. The bullet / conical poppet seems best. Some are almost flat disks. These do not develop enough sealing force to shut off.

Ball types are supposed to be more durable since the ball can rotate exposing a new sealing surface. I really doubt that in practice that the ball turns much at all.

The unmarked ones are usually Chinee junk and I don't mean boats.

JD style are usually from the current low bidder to JD and these days that is probably the same Chinee junk, again not meaning a boat.

Thank you for the reply.
   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects #4  
go to stauff website look for ag. qds they are pretty reliable. i've used them for years in ag and ind apps i don't know what area you're from but they have a vendor service in waldwick, NJ 201-444-7800 they can hook you up with a distributor if you're interested
   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects #5  
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   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects
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The supplier for NH, CaseIH, Massey is often an outfit in Turkey called Pimak.

Anasayfa - Pimak Makina

The standard coupler is supplied on most of the CaseIH JX series and the equivalent NH tractors. It is an ISO 7241-1A type that is a two hand operation and does not connect under pressure. More-or-less comparable to the Safeway S20.

I'm going to try the Stucchi IRS PC which is a push-pull connect under pressure type. At least the repair kits are available. Myhydraulics.com

I wonder what the differences are in manufacture since these are all pretty much the same pattern that confirm to ISO. I suppose care of manufacture and materials. Not al O-rings are created equal nor are the poppet seats and seals.
   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects #7  
I have 3 pair of rear hydraulic disconnects--Parker 4050 series. After about 4 years the two that I use most frequently have developed small leaks in the female parts. After disconnecting an implement I use capped off plugs (several hydraulic fittings screwed together) to stop the leakage instead of the rubber dust caps.
   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects
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These can usually be fixed with a repair kit if you can find one from Parker. The reason I bought the Stucchi brand is that you can get repair kits and O-rings for them. O-rings aren't a big deal unless you can't find the right size and durometer.

It seems they always produce some residue but they aren't supposed to leak.

It would be nice if the caps were screw on and vented to show leaks but not hold pressure. The plastic caps just stink and won't stay in.
   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects #9  
Most common brand is probably Pioneer which is now owned by Parker.

Are you concerned with leakage when connected or disconnected?

When connected there are O-ring seals that should prevent external leakage. Over time these become damaged and require replacement. better quality QD's will have better finish(smoother) finish on the nipple and will have tighter tolerances between the nipple and the coupler.

Try assembling the nipple into the coupler and see how much side to side and rocking movement their is. The more the movement the more chance they will leak.

When disconnected you are counting on a metal to metal seal regardless of poppet or ball style. You can buy metal plugs and caps for some models but not sure if they will prevent external leakage since they are not not designed to hold system pressure.
   / Quality Hydraulic Disconnects #10  
ISO 5675 which interchanges with ISO 7241-1 series A.

Just for the record, ISO 5675 (Agricultural Interchange, sometimes called "Pioneer" couplers for the old Pioneer 4000 Series, which are now the Parker 4000 Series) will interchange with ISO 7241-1 Series A couplers ONLY in the nominal 1/2" size. All other sizes do not interchange.

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