red fox

   / red fox #1  


Bronze Member
Sep 24, 2011
North Carolina
Kubota B7800
Well i watched a red fox walk out of the brush and lay down beside one of our ponds this morning, about 100 feet from where i was working. While working with the tractor it just laid there , when the son came up the drive i stoped him and sent him back to the house for a gun. Fox got up walked in circles, looked like it was coughing something up, and laid back down. Son got back with the gun,and i walked up to get a good shot , it started to get up when i fired. The son & i walked up carefully. died, ok time for a pic. and to dig a hole and cover up.
   / red fox #2  
Sure sounds like fox had should have scooted long before you getting that close.
I would have pure bleach or something in those lines so another creature won't dig up the body.
   / red fox #3  
Early one morning a few years ago I had let our three German Shepherds out into our fenced back yard to do their business. When I went to let them back in I saw all three dogs following a grey fox around the yard. The fox was moving slowly and the dogs were about ten feet from it and not trying to attack it. My first thought was that it had rabies. I got the dogs back into the house and was able to open a gate into the pasture. The fox moved along the fence and through the gate. I found the fox lying dead a short time later. It was a healthy looking male. I called our vet and he said the fox probably had distemper, no worries about our dogs since they were vaccinated. It was really strange how the dogs were following the fox like they sensed that it was sick and didn't attack it. If it was healthy it would have been running and the dogs would have killed it if they could have caught it.
   / red fox #4  
I had a pet dog when I lived in Cameroun back in the mid 80's that was very active and full of energy. One day it was lethargic and disinterested in everything. Not hungry, not playing and not being petted. Two days of this and it died. One of the guys who worked at AID heard about this and was convinsed the dog had rabbies, even though it was not aggressive or frothing. He took it to the hospital and had it tested. It came back negative. He pushed them to check the spine, where it came up positive.

   / red fox #5  
Best thing is to not bury the body,, but to burn the body..pour fuel over it, and make a trail. At least this is what my dad always did when we killed a rabid animal, burn it up and you destroy the pathogen.

James K0UA
   / red fox #7  
Timeing thread funny thing I hadn't seen a fox (the kind that does not care about $) around here in about 8 years, and I saw one the other night.


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