remote valve parts

   / remote valve parts #1  


Veteran Member
Apr 15, 2005
Erin, Tenn.
2001 Mahindra 4110
Has anyone checked into getting parts for the original remote valve on the 4110's? Mine is a Daesung-Nachi 2 spool valve with the original 1 set of hoses and 1 control lever that came on the tractor. I just recently noticed it was a 2 spool valve since I'm getting into putting a hydraulic toplink on and started looking into the remote system - never used it before for anything. What I'm interested in is a joystick kit and the fittings for the work ports for the 2nd spool. Don't know if the ports are SAE or metric and due to the tight location of the valve, can't easily remove a plug to check it. I make my living with my tractor and can't afford too much downtime just to research for parts, if someone already knows what I need to know it would be a tremendous help. I've already contacted my nearest Mahindra dealer, but he's a new dealer and don't think he's going to be able to help me alot with quick research. I was hoping maybe Mahindra offered a joystick kit, or at least a second single lever to add to the original setup to make use of that 2nd spool. Also, it appears that I could use an identical, original fitting/hose(s) assembly to make the 2nd set - the quick change bracket even has fittings already for the 2nd set of hoses. Any dealers out there familiar with these parts and how I can purchase them? How about you, Mr. Startz, are these parts available thru Mahindra? Thanks for any help.
   / remote valve parts #2  
I think a second valve is optional on the 4110. You should be able to call a well established Mahindra dealer who would be willing to sell you one over the phone and ship it to you.
   / remote valve parts #3  
If you don't need your FEL bucket when needing the other remote, just make up 2 hoses and plug them into the ports that roll the bucket..You will still be able to raise & lower the FEL, just not able to use the bucket..Hope this helps..
   / remote valve parts
  • Thread Starter
Yes, your idea would work but I'd have to have some pretty long hoses to get back to the hitch plus I'm constantly using the bucket along with my boxblade for grading work - probably 80% of my work is moving fill & grading. The current stock remote valve is a 2 spool valve, just 1 isn't being used - all I need is the handle or joystick and the hoses & couplings and I'll have 2 seperate sets of remotes. I'm just trying to find the parts that fit this brand of valve without having to disassemble 1/2 the tractor to match parts. Thanks for the response, though.

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