New member
Yes, soy based wire insulation. Who ever came up with that? Some eco genius in a white room who has never been in out the real world!Gotta love this push for climate change! If these manufacturers had kept with the olden days with proper wiring insulation it might not have been so bad. They are now using a soy based or vegetable based wire insulation product that sadly attracts rodents. They are trying to come up with a fix but I have heard it causes lots of havoc! Sorry for your loss of hard earned money!
Several years ago I spent a couple days replacing the wiring on my trailer, which I keep in a storage area in the woods behind the house. I did a nice job and used it once after, then put it back in its place. The following spring I pulled it out, hooked it up, and nothing. No lights. The wiring was completely eaten up. Only then did I determine that the wire insulation was soy based and the mice love it. It was then somewhat easy to find wire with traditional insulation, since this whole problem is becoming well known. So I did it again, but this time I encased the total wire run in metal, including using a stainless steel weaved wrapper around the flexible whip that connects to the truck. No problems since!
Luckily, I keep my Kubota in a pre-built shed that I mice-proofed when I got it (although not a problem with a 1996 B1700--the world was still reasonable then). It is so tight that the little buggers can't get in and that's saying something since they can squeeze through a hole that is only larger than their skull.