Round Baling/5030 style

   / Round Baling/5030 style
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At least you didn't say anything about the "fuzzy" photo's. My wife on ocassion looks at this site. Chilvary will get you everywhere!! .
   / Round Baling/5030 style
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On a postscript, I'm used to cold weather, snowmobiling and ice. High 70's and low 80's is pretty hot for me. We have our A.C. on at home too, keep it at 68 degrees!!!!!
   / Round Baling/5030 style #13  
Now that's what I was thinking when I read that about the temps. I worked up a sweat this morning and it was 54 degrees out. It's finally warmed up for the summer /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
   / Round Baling/5030 style
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I think that if I lived in the south, I'd be 'bailin in the buff !!!!!!!!!!
   / Round Baling/5030 style #15  
Amen to the 100 degrees with 90% humidity!! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif If we kept our thermostat @ 68, power bill would be $350 a month! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif On a side note, 19th Va, I take it you do re-enactments... I'm with the 30th NCT here in Charlotte.... We've been all through Virginia's fields....
   / Round Baling/5030 style #16  
Actually, I'd like to do reenactments but have never had the time to devote to it. The name comes from my national guard unit, the Monticello Guard, which made up a company from the 19th Va. This unit dates to George Washington's Va Militia and the french and indian war. More recently, they were in the third wave on Omaha Beach. Even more recently, they've been activated for two years because of the War on Terrorism.

There is a 19th va reenacting regiment, I'm sure you know. The major is a friend and the colonel I am acquainted with. I believe I have a reenactor's heart so my hat's off to you and the good folks in your regiment.
   / Round Baling/5030 style #17  
Daryl: you are luckier than we are, we still have standing water in 3 out of 5 lots,the grass is tall and needs to be mowed,maybe we will chop some just to get it in-nice pics,appears the Kubby is doing a nice job for you-Take care from Connecticut !!!!!!!!!!!!
   / Round Baling/5030 style #18  
19th Va, You don't know what you're missing! Full suit of wool (long sleeve, of course) on in 95 degree heat!!! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
   / Round Baling/5030 style
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I got done round bailing at about 9:30 p.m., parked the tractor, got in my pickup and went home. Ate, showered and went to bed with the intention of putting the front and rear bale spears on the next day and loading the semi. Got up this morning to rain. Oh well, spent the day re-bushing the control arms for my buddies Axial Flow combine. Wednesday morning will load rounds and then off to another field to ted out some rained on windrows and then rake and bale some more. I took 67 4 square rounds off the field in the pictures in about 3 hours. That's about 60,000 pounds of hay or 1200 kicker bales. The "Kubby" is doing a good job.

The chaff was so bad that running with the wind, I plugged the screen in front of the AC condenser. It got warm in the cab so I stopped and check the screen. Plugged solid. Took it out, shook it out and cool air again. Motor never got hot though. I'm obviously not working it too hard.
   / Round Baling/5030 style
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Maybe I should set the cruise on my 5030, kick the seat back and play a little Scruggs on my Bart Reiter open back banjo!! I'd probably have to open one door, however, the peg head would hit the glass door.