Sayonara summer...........

   / Sayonara summer........... #1  


Super Member
May 12, 2013
Sayonara summer good bye and good residence I cant take it anymore, since July it's been hot and humid day after freeken day, never been so sick of summer in my life. So glad I dont live down south dealing with this crap all year, I'll take a 2' snow storm any day compared to these past couple months. I'm so tired of seeing news people/office worker saying oh how nice this hot humid summer has been, while they sit in their air condition office studio. Now we'er coming into my kind of weather, yippee ki yay............................
   / Sayonara summer........... #2  
I agree. Hasta La Vista summer, the best time of year is coming up. The only good thing about the heat is corn and tomatoes, I have plenty of the latter on hand and this rain is too late to do my last batch of corn any good.
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   / Sayonara summer........... #3  
Sayonara summer good bye and good residence I cant take it anymore, since July it's been hot and humid day after freeken day, never been so sick of summer in my life. So glad I dont live down south dealing with this crap all year, I'll take a 2' snow storm any day compared to these past couple months. I'm so tired of seeing news people/office worker saying oh how nice this hot humid summer has been, while they sit in their air condition office studio. Now we'er coming into my kind of weather, yippee ki yay............................

North Carolina is only really bad for 3 months, June, July and August.

I'll take 3 months of it being pretty hot and humid (excuse not to work outside the middle of the day as well) over 2' dumpings anyday. Weather is "nice" for more part of the year IMO.
   / Sayonara summer........... #4  
We went from a high of 95 yesterday to a forecast high of 58 today.
   / Sayonara summer........... #5  
Being here in NE WA state I'm not going to complain about anything. We had two nights that were hotter than I liked - otherwise................

Its been almost a month now since any smoke, ash or crud - - life is back to normal.
   / Sayonara summer........... #6  
I am also a Mainer and I agree— summer sucks. I will take a blizzard over hazy hot and humid. This is my time of year coming up. I endure summer, don’t like it at all.
   / Sayonara summer........... #7  
I'm with the Northerners here. There is pure joy in watching and listening to every biting and stinging vermin exploding on a 28 degree fall morning. Knowing that these same biting an stinging vermin will stay south as long as we have a few weeks of 20 below weather in January. Let's see how tough your southern fire ants are here January.
   / Sayonara summer...........
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North Carolina is only really bad for 3 months, June, July and August.

I'll take 3 months of it being pretty hot and humid (excuse not to work outside the middle of the day as well) over 2' dumpings anyday. Weather is "nice" for more part of the year IMO.

About 6 months ago a Portland TV station up here has been broadcasting Quest, several times at night they been showing the 7 year old reruns of Swamp Loggers, that's the only NC I've been learning from, kind of a neat show, anyhow even they say how hot it is, sweat from head to toe on them, some of the guys has to get back in there cab where the AC is. Then I see on one show where there looks like a few inches of snow on the ground, probably around 30*, everyone's in full winter gear, helmet liners...... Now I'm not the toughest Mainer up here but I work with people that are still in T shirts until the temp is in the teens, they put a coat on when it get down in single numbers, I get cold just looking at them.

Best part I like about cold weather is no bugs, although this past summer around my house the bugs haven't been that bad for some reason. Then on that Swamp Logger show I see where Bobby goes looking at a wood track (up here we say wood lot, I like to know why southerners call it a track) any how Bobby and his partners goes walking through the woods and they see a 4' cotton mouth, that and alligators would scare the beelzebub out of me, no thank you I want to live where I can go walking through woods without seeing those creeping creatures, I do like that show wish they'd make more of them, this year they started putting out a few short videos on Youtube.
   / Sayonara summer........... #9  
About 6 months ago a Portland TV station up here has been broadcasting Quest, several times at night they been showing the 7 year old reruns of Swamp Loggers, that's the only NC I've been learning from, kind of a neat show, anyhow even they say how hot it is, sweat from head to toe on them, some of the guys has to get back in there cab where the AC is. Then I see on one show where there looks like a few inches of snow on the ground, probably around 30*, everyone's in full winter gear, helmet liners...... Now I'm not the toughest Mainer up here but I work with people that are still in T shirts until the temp is in the teens, they put a coat on when it get down in single numbers, I get cold just looking at them.

Best part I like about cold weather is no bugs, although this past summer around my house the bugs haven't been that bad for some reason. Then on that Swamp Logger show I see where Bobby goes looking at a wood track (up here we say wood lot, I like to know why southerners call it a track) any how Bobby and his partners goes walking through the woods and they see a 4' cotton mouth, that and alligators would scare the beelzebub out of me, no thank you I want to live where I can go walking through woods without seeing those creeping creatures, I do like that show wish they'd make more of them, this year they started putting out a few short videos on Youtube.

You guys can have the snow and blow. I hate Winter. If it wasn't for my fireplace...
   / Sayonara summer...........
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I agree. Hasta La Vista summer, the best time of year is coming up. The only good thing about the heat is corn and tomatoes, I have plenty of the latter on hand and this rain is too late to do my last batch of corn any good.

My wife got all kinds of tomatoes out her small garden this year, this past humid summer worked wonders on everything growing, even the grass liked the high humidity. I hear the apple crop have done good this year if the growers can keep the squirrels away from them.