Scat (animal poop) question/identification

   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification
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Well the WV DNR "claims" we do not have mountain lions around here BUT I have seen trail cam photos of them from less than 100 miles north so I would not rule them out as living in the area. Cant say I have noticed any feral dogs running around but that is not to say there can not be one. I did notice we don't really have many wild berries around the woods this year so maybe that accounts for the lack of berries in the scat????
   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification #12  
The National Park Rangers are advising hikers in Glacier National Park and other Rocky Mountain parks to be alert for bears and take extra precautions to avoid an encounter. They advise park visitors to wear little bells on their clothes so they make noise when hiking. The bell noise allows bears to hear them coming from a distance and not be startled by a hiker accidentally sneaking up on them. This might cause a bear to charge.
Visitors should also carry a pepper spray can just in case a bear is encountered. Spraying the pepper into the air will irritate the bear's sensitive nose and it will run away. It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for fresh bear scat so you have an idea if bears are in the area. People should be able to recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear scat. Black bear droppings are smaller and often contain berries, leaves, and possibly bits of fur. Grizzly bear droppings tend to contain small bells and smell of pepper.
   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification
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Always thought you rang a bell to announce it was dinner time......
   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification #14  
I think black bear , definitely not my X mother in laws , hers was larger and with more hair ! :laughing:
   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification #15  
If it tastes salty, it could be from a Porcupine. [ I am sure bear scat changes over the year depending on their food source and health. Just like yours does day to day. The bear scat I run into was fairly dry, large, and in a big spiral. Had hair and some bones in it, probably from scavenging road kill next to the road in the Spring. ] Let me know about the salty thing....... :)
   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification #16  
Montana Grizzly Bear Notice:

In light of the rising frequency of human/grizzly bear
conflicts, the Montana Department of Fish and Game
is advising hikers, hunters, and fishermen to take extra
precautions and keep alert for bears while in the field.
We advise that outdoorsmen wear noisy little bells on
their clothing so as not to startle the bears that aren't
expecting them. We also advise outdoorsmen to carry
pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a

It is also a good idea to watch out for fresh signs of bear
activity. Outdoorsmen should recognize the difference
between black bear and grizzly bear poop. Black bear poop
is smaller and contains a lot of berry seeds and squirrel fur.
Grizzly bear poop has little bells in it and smells like pepper
   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification
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If it tastes salty, it could be from a Porcupine. [ I am sure bear scat changes over the year depending on their food source and health. Just like yours does day to day. The bear scat I run into was fairly dry, large, and in a big spiral. Had hair and some bones in it, probably from scavenging road kill next to the road in the Spring. ] Let me know about the salty thing....... :)

Lol - I will check and see if one of the neighbors will check on that for you....
   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification #18  
We have a lot of coyotes around here. Almost all of their poop looks like others have said... cigar shaped and usually has fur in it. Seems they like to poop on asphalt walking trails in the local parks. :laughing:

Raccoons are usually black with berries and seeds and smaller than the coyote poop.

Not having bears around here, can't help you there. There was the first bear sighted in Indiana in over 100 years a couple years ago. It made its way down from Michigan, spent the summer tearing open bird feeders and trash cans, went back up to Michigan, and the DNR trapped it and euthanized it due to its non-fear of humans. :(
   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification #19  
Lol - I will check and see if one of the neighbors will check on that for you....

Reminds me of that old Cheech and Chong skit.... good thing you didn't step in it. :)
   / Scat (animal poop) question/identification #20  
This is black bear scat from my property out here on the coast. Not as runny looking as yours but the size looks similar. Black bears will eat carrion, so it probably found a dead deer or something.
687DFD25-A3DC-4FC9-83E4-2B680D9DB904.jpeg 8EFE51EE-B823-489D-BE62-3223B19F71C3.jpeg