Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+

   / Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+ #1  


Elite Member
Sep 9, 2002
I thought I'd pass this along.

If you don't know what shingles is, look here:

CDC - Shingles Photos - Herpes Zoster

It is a really nasty skin rash that can affect anyone that had chicken pox as a kid. People over 50 are most susceptible. I've heard it described as like sticking your arm in a BBQ pit.

The good news is that there is a vaccine that has been available to people over age 60. Since March 2011 the FDA has approved it for people aged 50 and up.
FDA approves Zostavax vaccine to prevent shingles in individuals 50 to 59 years of age

It is not 100% effective, but the younger you are, the more effective it seems to be. My insurance pays for it after age 60, but I paid $220 today out of pocket to get it sooner.
   / Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+ #2  
Thank you for passing this along. I have heard of many people getting shingles and this looks like a good preventative measure. Very thoughtful of you.
   / Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+ #3  
My grandmother had shingles in the last year or so and she was miserable.

Not something you want to get.

Aaron Z
   / Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+ #4  
BTDT. The vaccine is hard to find (At least here in Georgia) and it has to remain refrigerated. Finally got some in at the local CVS. I had a prescription from the doc on hand, $250 and the insurance company won't pay for it. But they will pay for the pain meds if you get it. Go figure. Shingles are nasty and $250 is lot cheaper than dealing with the pain.

   / Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+ #5  
This is great news! My father has been suffering from the after effects of a BAD case of Shingles, and let me tell you, the pain and suffering he's gone through is almost unbelievable. If you've ever had Shingles or had a family member go through the pain and suffering this can cause, you'd agree.

It use to be assumed that if you'd had Shingles in the past that you could not get it again, but that does not appear to be the case. So even if you've had it before, please get a vaccination. From what I've learned, getting a Shingles vaccination won't prevent you from getting Shingles, but it will reduce the severity of the attack.

Bottom line: Even if you to pay for it out of pocket, please do it. Ask anyone who has had a severe case of Shingles if they would have paid for a vaccination at ANY price.

   / Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+ #6  
GGB said:
This is great news! My father has been suffering from the after effects of a BAD case of Shingles, and let me tell you, the pain and suffering he's gone through is almost unbelievable. If you've ever had Shingles or had a family member go through the pain and suffering this can cause, you'd agree.

It use to be assumed that if you'd had Shingles in the past that you could not get it again, but that does not appear to be the case. So even if you've had it before, please get a vaccination. From what I've learned, getting a Shingles vaccination won't prevent you from getting Shingles, but it will reduce the severity of the attack.

Bottom line: Even if you to pay for it out of pocket, please do it. Ask anyone who has had a severe case of Shingles if they would have paid for a vaccination at ANY price.


I promise you can get it more than once and it does occur in younger people. I had twice in a year and was 38 at the time.
   / Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+ #7  
BTDT. The vaccine is hard to find (At least here in Georgia) and it has to remain refrigerated. Finally got some in at the local CVS. I had a prescription from the doc on hand, $250 and the insurance company won't pay for it. But they will pay for the pain meds if you get it. Go figure. Shingles are nasty and $250 is lot cheaper than dealing with the pain.


Same here - My doctor doesn't carry it - had to get it at Walgreens for $250 - not covered by my insurance - it IS covered by Medicare Part B as I understand it - I'm not eligible for that yet, though.
   / Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+ #9  
Don't forget the pneumonia vaccination.
On a similiar note where insurance did not pay for vaccinations. Story goes like this, had to make a first time business trip to Brazil and needed vaccinations. Checked with insurance carrier and said they would not pay. OKaaaay, so I used their company policy statement against them. The insurance company printed & gave to each insured that "they (the company)were big in preventative care business". So, I made a second call and kept pushing up the chain of command and asked them what it would cost them to pay for hospitalization in Brazil and any other health treatment costs and also to fly me back state side and then the susequent costs to treat the bugs I had picked up versus the actual cost of the vaccine to prevent that from happening! They replied on the phone get the vaccinations "your covered".
Never saw a bill for any of the vaccines that I needed. So, when they say No. Push back at them. What have you to lose. $$$

   / Shingles Vaccine Now Approved for Age 50+ #10  
Don't forget the pneumonia vaccination.
On a similiar note where insurance did not pay for vaccinations. Story goes like this, had to make a first time business trip to Brazil and needed vaccinations. Checked with insurance carrier and said they would not pay. OKaaaay, so I used their company policy statement against them. The insurance company printed & gave to each insured that "they (the company)were big in preventative care business". So, I made a second call and kept pushing up the chain of command and asked them what it would cost them to pay for hospitalization in Brazil and any other health treatment costs and also to fly me back state side and then the susequent costs to treat the bugs I had picked up versus the actual cost of the vaccine to prevent that from happening! They replied on the phone get the vaccinations "your covered".
Never saw a bill for any of the vaccines that I needed. So, when they say No. Push back at them. What have you to lose. $$$


Shingles....I've had if once. How long is the vaccine good for? Not something anyone wants to have and always jump to the conclusion it is a sexual thing from the past. NOT TRUE. An after effect from chicken pox. Well looking into and understanding the cause and possible problems with marital sex.
Accusing your partner of getting it from someone else is completely wrong. Check with your doctor before jumping to any conclusions please.

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