Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year?

   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year? #31  
There was a recent piece on the news about copperhead bites in the Lake of the Ozarks area. About a dozen so far this year, I think. They gave the price of the anti-venom as $1.5K, I think, and said a bite might require as many as 11 vials. Ouch. Most of the bites were on the feet, and were associated with folks walking barefoot in their own yards.

   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year?
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Where some snakes will try to move away from you, the copperhead seems to stay put. I almost stepped on one last year sunning himself in a path I was walking. I did have boots on, but I stepped less than a foot from him before I saw him (a small one). He never moved.
Another time I was picking up some logs I had cut a few days before. A copperhead was under the logs I picked up and again just lay there looking at me.
   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year? #33  
BB_TX said:
Another time I was picking up some logs I had cut a few days before. A copperhead was under the logs I picked up and again just lay there looking at me.

Yeah, that's the part that concerns me. An aggressive or at least a "won't get out of your way" snake in a wood pile. I have LOTS of piles of wood and brush that need to be moved. That's where the FEL will come in handy. Snake Vs. FEL - I like my odds there. :)

N80 said:
...but I always wore nice tall snakeboots.

What are "snakeboots?" Kevlar lined or something? What about regular cowboy boots? I wear "distressed" leather cowboy boots, come up to the calf, and are pretty thick leather. Do you know if that sufficient?
   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year? #34  
BB_TX, you are so right about the copperheads. Copperheads do not move. They are stupid, in that they think that no one can see them if they stay put, and then when you get within striking range, they bite.

I was driving My tractor on my dirt road and a large copperhead was slowly crossing it as I came closer he stopped and watched as the FEL went above him, I couldn't see if he tried to bite the tire as it ran over him. He had plenty time to escape, and I wasn't going to get off the tractor to scoot him away - I guess that makes me a Redneck - (without medical bills). :D
   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year? #35  
Having raised alot of snakes in my "younger years", I will kill every copperhead I see on my place. they seem to have a "i'll hide till they get close" attitude. I raised them to feed to King snakes. The only snake that has bitten me was a Diamondback water snake, non- poisinous, commonly thought as a water moccisson since they almost look identical and probably the most aggressive snakes I have ever had.
I used to have problems getting my (5 yr old daughter at the time) to wear her shoes when she went ouside at the farm, then one day I found a rat snake about 5-6 feet in the yard, I took her outside and showed her the snake so she would understand what Dad ment, the snake was harmless but it made the right impression. I personaly respect snakes and their role in our enviroment but there are limits. As far as Wasp..LOL a few on the porch are good for the occassinal salesman..LOL I don't bother with them either unless they are on the tractor or deer blind as before mentioned. You know your having a bad day when you go to move a square bale and realize there is a bumble bee nest under it, now thats an aggressive monster and sting, wheeeew!
   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year? #36  
I'll agree those snakes are beautiful and mysterious creatures invoking a primal fear in most of us. And I know about the associated costs of a snake bite too with my grand daughter. I have 10 grand kids that visit during our gatherings and there's no coraling them up at my camp site. I try to teach them but how much is a toddler gonna learn? Especially if she just steps off the deck and is hit. The older ones look out and are careful. Heck, snake handlers get bit all the time.

One thing about those snakes is if you surprise them or step off a ledge, they bite. They have no remorse and don't know any better. There's no hope in training them. They are dangerous. There's no protection against that other than to kill them when around my campsite area. Then others come in anyway. Like I said, I leave the others alone though, until that time. I know there's a balance in Nature, but little kids and poisonous snakes don't balance out IMO.
   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year? #37  
Mother-in-law had to be flown from Sumter, SC to Charleston, SC by helicopter because of bleeding in the brain last December, just before Christmas. $16,000 just for the ride.

Wife was airlifted off a cruise ship off the coast of Cuba back in 1999 Christmas eve, flown to Antiguia, Picked up by Leer jet and flown to Miami, Fl. Cost $0.00. Was done by our Great Coast Guard.

Go figure
   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year? #38  
This crawled out of my yard about 2-3 weeks ago.

It was 4 1/2 ft long with 6 rattlers and a button. Five shots from a .40, three connected.

I HATE SNAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every snake is a copperheadedrattlemoccasin.


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   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year? #39  
Spiveyman said:
What are "snakeboots?" Kevlar lined or something? What about regular cowboy boots? I wear "distressed" leather cowboy boots, come up to the calf, and are pretty thick leather. Do you know if that sufficient?

Snake boots...


Russell Moccasin

   / Snakes Worse Than Usual This Year? #40  
SCOOBY14B said:
This crawled out of my yard about 2-3 weeks ago.

It was 4 1/2 ft long with 6 rattlers and a button. Five shots from a .40, three connected.

I HATE SNAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every snake is a copperheadedrattlemoccasin.

Now that would make a nice pair of snake boots! :)

I never realized there was such a thing, but it looks like they use good thick bull hide - which is what my distressed boots are made out of. Mine probably aren't as strong as these, but would be better than most shoes.

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