So sad

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   / So sad #1  


Elite Member
Jan 30, 2004
Mojave Desert, CA
Kubota B7800
   / So sad #2  
absolutely terrible that so many people so obsessed with proving climate change that they go around the world setting fires, brazilian rain forest last year, western north american states and Canada a couple years ago. One thing for sure though is that the truth eventually comes out and it is always arsonists.
   / So sad #3  
   / So sad #4  
Nature doesn't acknowledge cute and cuddly, human or animal.
   / So sad #5  
absolutely terrible that so many people so obsessed with proving climate change that they go around the world setting fires, brazilian rain forest last year, western north american states and Canada a couple years ago. One thing for sure though is that the truth eventually comes out and it is always arsonists.

Seems like there's a lot of people (and 'bots) obsessed with trying to say it's NOT caused by climate change too.

Police contradict claims spread online exaggerating arson's role in Australian bushfires | Australia news | The Guardian

Bots and trolls spread false arson claims in Australian fires 租isinformation campaign | Australia news | The Guardian

"“Looking at the kinds of accounts that post using the #ArsonEmergency hashtag, you see that these are individuals who are hyper-partisan ideologues, behaving in a way that is not reflective of the average Twitter user.
The conspiracy theories going around (including arson as the main cause of the fires) reflect an increased distrust in scientific expertise, skepticism of the media, and rejection of liberal democratic authority. These are all major factors in the global fight against disinformation, and based on my preliminary analysis it appears that Australia has for better or worse entered that battlefield, at least for now.”
"Donald ***** Jr was among those who retweeted misleading figures published by News Corp."
   / So sad #6  
I could be totally wrong. But my take on it. We destroyed the planet. I hate this "Climate change" label. Should be "What We Did to the Planet" or some such ackowledging our misdeeds thing.

People that think the earth is so large that humans can't affect it are fools, and people that think it's their "RIGHT" to do whatever they want to the planet and nature, make me sick.
   / So sad #7  
This and other man made wildfires are incredibly sad. The wildlife has no idea where to go and try to hide, they have nothing but confusion and fear. Humans for the most part have warnings and notice to evacuate. It’s horrible
   / So sad #8  
I feel the same way and want to put my head in the sand and not think about it. Dying from lack of oxygen is one thing, but being burned and dying slowly is another.

Bugs me terribly that animal fatalities are never mentioned. I couldn't care less about the houses. What about the pets?
   / So sad #9  
I could be totally wrong. But my take on it. We destroyed the planet. I hate this "Climate change" label. Should be "What We Did to the Planet" or some such ackowledging our misdeeds thing.

People that think the earth is so large that humans can't affect it are fools, and people that think it's their "RIGHT" to do whatever they want to the planet and nature, make me sick.

I just had a scary "ah-ha" moment regarding that a few weeks ago.
Where I live I can see cement and paper plants spewing pollution into the air 13 miles away. I can see that the pollution cloud often dis-colors the air from Glens Falls NY to Lake George NY -about 8.5 miles of valley visibly filled with pollution.

Then I realize how thin the earth's livable atmosphere is compared to what I'm seeing. Or conversely, just how much is getting polluted compared to so little that is livable.
If I go 2-3 miles UP, I'll probably be really dizzy or a headache from the lack of oxygen. If I go 5 miles up I'd probably die.
   / So sad #10  
Make no mistake about it. I am guilty as sin, and that makes me SAD! Worse yet, that I don't do more to stop my bad behavior! But I am human and as such do stupid things, and yes that is no EXCUSE!
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