So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live?

   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #51  
We bought 22+ acres to build our retirement home on just out side of a small town in Massachusetts. Very little crime, tax rate is good and gun laws are real tough so not to many can have guns unless they are criminals. This makes it better as far as I am concerned I have a permit to carry and have a safe full of amo and guns that very few will have if something should ever happen :). We hunt deer and eat only venison for meat have chickens for eggs heat our house from wood cut on our land. As far as health goes we have the South coast cancer clinic, walk in health clinic just two miles down the road. We can get in the car and be at restaurants, grocery store, hardware store in 5 minutes. Most of the sates he listed I have been in to hunt or spend time in and I loved them all but as someone said at our age I like to be removed but close to civilization.
So only you and the criminals have guns? HS
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #53  
So only you and the criminals have guns? HS

This was meant as a way to show how foolish Mass. gun laws are. And how if something ever did happen to our society ( I hope and think will never happen) that these same people would then be looking to the legal gun owners for help.
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #54  
I did think about this long time. But, not limeted tu the US. I have a German Passport, I was offered an USA citizenship when I worked there, but I did not take it. And for me my thinking included the whole wolrd. Not true, only the countries i Know the language. I Speak German, Englich and Arabic (because I worked long time in Kuwait) As long I was working, I went wher the salary was best.
I was shure I want to live in a warm place when I retired. Long time I was thinking of north africa. Agybt or Lybia. In Lybiy avgas was real cheap, and under Gadaffy it was a safe place with good healthcare and no corruption. This was my favorite. And near to Europe. But things can change fast. None of the north african countries is safe any more. And more things changed for me. I married a Filipina, and ended up in the Philippines. And this is not so bad.
Compaired whith what was aks as criteria:
Climate As I like it
Population density In my place it is O.K.
*Cost of living index Very low
Food Production We (my wives family) produces good food
*Health environment Clean air comes unpolluted from the Pacific
*Traffic Very little traffic here, dead end to the Mountans
*Politics Corrupt, but this is not my business
?Taxes Very low
*Corruption and Crime Very corrupt, but not to my disadvantage, more the other way. And Crime: In the country a lot, in my remote place none.
*Gun Liberty Only in my wives name, but see corruption
*Homeschooling Liberty No Children, so of no interesst for me
Military Targets & Nuclear Power Plants No
And also we have a lake here and the ocean is not very far.
My only problem: Not so many people in this remote place is, that not many people here speak English. That is one reason I communicate here.
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #55  
Heaven doesn't have that many rocks. :D You need a skeleton bucket for your FEL. If you get one, I'd like to borrow it. :laughing:

I guess it depends on where in Heaven ya are. Stones are one of God's gifts, I'd hate to drive that hill without them. :)

That road was freshly cut at the time that picture was taken and has a underground culvert that carries water down below the road. At this point it has grown back over except the road. I'd love a rock bucket, but just got a tiller and my next big purchase will be a boom mower to help manage the banks and fence rows.

Beautiful piece of property, Sysop!! Kinda makes me sad that I closed the deal on selling what was left of the family farm just over the hill from you in Hoult.

Yea, Hoult like Fairmont, is beautiful land, but too close to too many people for my personal preference. The farm is a bit south away from all the people, which is partly what makes it my ideal place to live. I would gladly be out of Fairmont forever if I didn't have a day job...
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #56  
Everybody's definition of perfect weather may be different. Let's assume a definition of "perfect weather" as:

Temps comfortable year round (say a range of 40-80 F) without excessive humidity
Not overly rainy or overcast ... maybe enough rain to make the area green but not enough to make it Seattle
Not regularly plagued by extreme weather events like Hurricanes, Tornadoes, blizzards, droughts, dust storms, smong, etc

Is there anyplace on earth that meets those criteria? Offhand all I can think of is possibly the gold coast area of Australia?
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #57  
Everybody's definition of perfect weather may be different. Let's assume a definition of "perfect weather" as:

Temps comfortable year round (say a range of 40-80 F) without excessive humidity
Not overly rainy or overcast ... maybe enough rain to make the area green but not enough to make it Seattle
Not regularly plagued by extreme weather events like Hurricanes, Tornadoes, blizzards, droughts, dust storms, smog, etc

With a reasonably modern/western society.

Is there anyplace on earth that meets those criteria? Offhand all I can think of is possibly the gold coast area of Australia?
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #59  
When we were younger we used to live in the large city in a small GI house. Then we build new house in a small town in proximity of two lakes and bike trail. We loved the schools there. Kids could walk or ride bicycles to school. When kids left for college we realized that our house was about twice as big as we needed so we started thinking about moving to new place. My dream since childhood was a piece of land away from the city but not completely isolated from civilization. So we bought 80 ac of vacant land about 45 miles from the big city. We sold our house year later and built new house there. We did some hobby farming for few years but decided that we should restore prairie on about 32 ac. That is out latest project. We also have large veggie garden under construction. I am thinking about few honey bee hives back on the edge of the woods and perhaps some chicken and ducks. My wife is a city girl so she was quite apprehensive to move to the country. The nights are dark and there are many sounds coming from the forest. The owls are calling each other, coyotes yelp in distance, the frogs provide all night racket, you have to check yourself for ticks and the chiggers are nasty itching. But if I would tell her to sell it and buy a condo in the city she would tell me only over her dead body. The thinking is that the place should keep us active and in better health than life in the city. Only thing that is lacking is large mountains not too far away (we downhill ski). Only internet is satellite (it is fast enough but it is expensive and has limited data per months) and I had to install a mobile phone repeater with yagi antenna to get decent mobile reception in the house. We were thinking about selling it at some point and move to close the mountain region but after our grandchildren were born we decided to stay put where we are.
So that is our piece of heaven.View attachment 418417

Looks like Heaven to me.

I am just 6 miles from the Iowa line, off I-35. We have AT&T cell phones. There are a lot of places in Southern Iowa that I have limited signal. Especially if I get very far from I-35.
   / So, what's YOUR idea of the perfect place to live? #60  
Depends on your priorities, I guess. NJ is usually #1 or #2 in per capita income and MA is usually #2 or #3 (CT is usually up there as well).

Yep, I agree, if money can buy happiness.