Danny, you will likely spend THOU$AND$ of dollars on the solar set up. Solar panels generate DC, you will need to store that in batteries, which are very expensive and take up a lot of room, and then you will need a large inverter to turn it into AC. I looked at going off grid on my house when I built it. It is not cost competitive if you have easy access to utilities.
Now if you want to keep the electric meter, so you stay on the grid, then you can skip the expense of the batteries, and run power from your panels to the inverter and then backfeed your utility. In theory you can spin the meter backwards and the utility will buy your excess energy. Problem with that is they buy at "wholesale" and they sell it to you at "retail" so you will find the payback will take FOREVER.
Hate to sound like such a pessimist about this, but it is the reality for most folks who already have utility service. Now if you are miles away from the grid, then things figure differently. But you are already hooked up.