Something died in my truck

   / Something died in my truck #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2016
Santa Cruz Mountains CA, Southern OR
Branson 3725H Deere 5105
A few weeks ago I didn't drive the Tundra for a couple weeks. That coincided with a heat wave. When I got in, it smelled like dead animal. I found one dead mouse that had been squished by the accelerator pedal. Removing it lessened the smell but it didn't go away. I've since removed the front seats, center console, front carpet and about a third of the dashboard on the passenger side where the smell is stronger. Other than some gunk from the one dead mouse which I cleaned up, I've not found anything else. I can still smell something though it's less than before. I suspect there's a second mouse or the one mouse had babies. I've blown up under the dash with shop air and also under the insulating pad that's next to the firewall, and looked and felt under it as much as I can. It can't be removed without removing the entire dash.

I've taken the truck apart about as far as I'm willing to go. If I stop now and put it back together, will the smell go away after a while?

Anyhow this is a lesson that if you have a mouse problem in a vehicle, take care of it right away. For some reason after owning the truck for four years and parking it in the same place all that time it became a mouse party spot this summer. I trapped them but clearly it wasn't enough and at least one moved from the engine compartment to the passenger compartment.
   / Something died in my truck #2  
Exhibit A, Toyota Sienna engine cover:


Exhibit B, Toyota Sienna, engine cover off:


Exhibit C, down in the well, where I can't reach it:

   / Something died in my truck #3  
Also try your cabin filter. I'm not familiar with Tundras, but have taken many dead mice from the heater box, or whatever they call it now. A couple of times I've had to park a truck until the stench died down... not something I would wish on anybody.

Thank you for reminding me... I keep two snap traps under the seat of my Colorado and need to reset them tonight.
   / Something died in my truck #4  
Does your Tacoma have a cabin air filter hidden behind the glove box like my Tundra? If yes mice can climb into that air chamber and cause a stink.
   / Something died in my truck #5  
I heard mice hate peppermint oil, so I'm dousing everything in there (and in the tractor) with it.
   / Something died in my truck #6  
Toyota is known for this issue, they use a soy based wire insulation. my in-laws had 3 4runners have this same problem in FL, one of them was totaled due to wire damage from mice. others had quite a bit of damage.
   / Something died in my truck #7  
Toyota is known for this issue, they use a soy based wire insulation. my in-laws had 3 4runners have this same problem in FL, one of them was totaled due to wire damage from mice. others had quite a bit of damage.
I found out the hard way, my insurance won't cover mice damage.
   / Something died in my truck #8  
Toyota is known for this issue, they use a soy based wire insulation. my in-laws had 3 4runners have this same problem in FL, one of them was totaled due to wire damage from mice. others had quite a bit of damage.
This is not a manufacturer specific issue. They all use the soy based wire insulation because it is planet-friendly.
   / Something died in my truck
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I replace the cabin air filter early on, forgot to mention that. It looked a tiny bit chewed on but no dead mice in there. When I run the truck and turn on the fan the smell decreases. So I don't think it's in the ventilation system.

I've had wires chewed on a 1999 GMC truck back in the 2000s but nothing since then on any of our vehicles. I've been cleaning the remains of mouse dinners off the Tundra's engine cover all summer, and setting traps.

I taped a mint based mouse repellent pack in the engine compartment after this all started and I've not trapped a mouse or seen any sign since.
   / Something died in my truck #10  
If you can leave it somewhere with the windows and everyooen for a few weeks (insude a garage or under a tarp), that should help eliminate most of the smell. Needs to dry out whatever died.

Also give it a good dose of Lysol spray everywhere you can inside.

It could even be that there is/was a nest in the seat cushions.