Stupid Things I Have Done

   / Stupid Things I Have Done #241  
I got a nice early start this morning, so I stopped at a local store just to say hi. Then went and got gas... as I was driving past a friend's house I saw he was out so I stopped to say hi, and shot the bull for a while. I was a little perplexed because I thought that my shirt had a pocket where I usually stuck my keys.

Finally realized that my shirt was on inside out. 😘
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #242  
Was working on something under the dash of my BX230, and got my watch band connected to the positive battery post and a piece of grounded metal. That titanium band heated up pretty quickly. I have a nice burn scar about a quarter of the way around my left wrist. Had to replace one link pin in the band that burned through. I still wear that watch, but it comes off in similar situations.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #243  
Was working on something under the dash of my BX230, and got my watch band connected to the positive battery post and a piece of grounded metal. That titanium band heated up pretty quickly. I have a nice burn scar about a quarter of the way around my left wrist. Had to replace one link pin in the band that burned through. I still wear that watch, but it comes off in similar situations.
I knew someone who refused to remove their wedding band.

One day while adding a breaker to an electric panel, he cot that ring on a positive post and grounded it.

He ended up with a decent burn.

He smartened up after that and would remove the ring while working in electric panels.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #244  
I knew someone who refused to remove their wedding band.

One day while adding a breaker to an electric panel, he cot that ring on a positive post and grounded it.

He ended up with a decent burn.

He smartened up after that and would remove the ring while working in electric panels.
They make silicon wedding rings now, for guys to wear at work. Jewelry is one of the worst things to wear on a job site. I stopped wearing a wrist watch years ago because that hand was the first thing to get cold in winter.
Every time that I see a guy with dangling earrings, face piercings or those elongated holes in their ears I cringe, thinking of what would happen if they went ino the woods to work the way that I do. I'm not a fighter but if I ever was, I know where my fist would hit first.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #246  
My Dad's friend was a roofer. Sliding off a roof he caught his wedding band on a nail, lost his finger!
I've heard this story before, although the source of whatever it caught on is often different.

My dog doesn't wear a collar for similar reasons.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #247  
They make silicon wedding rings now, for guys to wear at work. Jewelry is one of the worst things to wear on a job site. I stopped wearing a wrist watch years ago because that hand was the first thing to get cold in winter.
Every time that I see a guy with dangling earrings, face piercings or those elongated holes in their ears I cringe, thinking of what would happen if they went ino the woods to work the way that I do. I'm not a fighter but if I ever was, I know where my fist would hit first.

Wife wears a silicone ring.

I come into contact with so much diesel, oil, grease, etc.... I would have to constantly take it off to clean the crud out from under one.

I'm also in and out of gloves constantly.

My wedding band stays on my night stand while I'm at work. I put it on when I get home.

Years ago I was out at a pool hall with some friends. One of them started to push me around trying to act tough in front of some girls. He started asking me "What I was gonna do about it???"

I reached out and grabbed a hold of his nipple ring through his tee shirt. I said "Go ahead and push me again!!!!"
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #248  
I've heard this story before, although the source of whatever it caught on is often different.

My dog doesn't wear a collar for similar reasons.
One of the mechanics for the company I work for posted the "After picture" from when he caught his wedding band when he hopped off a scissor lift.

The picture was taken just before the doctor removed his finger at the hospital. It pulled all the skin and most of the meat almost to his finger nail. Bone was showing

Safety director reached out to him for permission to tell his story, and ran a shock and awe campaign to really push home the zero jewelry policy the company has.

I wear a fit bit watch. But only get away with it because of the silicone watch band.

Silicone rings are acceptable as well.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #249  
As I was coming down from the top of a stack of metal pallets, I jumped the last 2 feet to the ground. Lucky for me, my ring bent to an oblong shape and broke free of it's snag long before my feet hit the ground. My finger swelled up but lost no blood.

I have not worn a ring for 38 years. I told Mrs.tiller, I ain't gonna do that twice.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #250  
One of the mechanics for the company I work for posted the "After picture" from when he caught his wedding band when he hopped off a scissor lift.

The picture was taken just before the doctor removed his finger at the hospital. It pulled all the skin and most of the meat almost to his finger nail. Bone was showing

Safety director reached out to him for permission to tell his story, and ran a shock and awe campaign to really push home the zero jewelry policy the company has.

I wear a fit bit watch. But only get away with it because of the silicone watch band.

Silicone rings are acceptable as well.
My friend was standing in his garage with his wife and 2 kids, watching their 2 dogs play. One dog got a tooth caught in the other pup's collar. Even though they were standing right there, by the time he got a knife and cut the collar one dog was clinically dead. His wife is a doctor and she got the heart beating again, but it still wasn't doing well. They also were friends with the vet who only lived about 6 miles away and happened to be home.
Between them they were able to save the dog's life.

THAT'S why my dog doesn't wear a collar, unless it's attached to a leash with the other end in my hand.

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