Suggestions to catch this critter?

   / Suggestions to catch this critter? #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 23, 2006
Kubota L6060
He's been in the shop for two days now and haven't been able to get him to fly back out the overhead doors. I hate to see him suffer a slow death.

   / Suggestions to catch this critter? #2  

Try something red at the door. They see color and are attracted to red. Once it's at the door, it will either leave, or stay. It's out of your hands after that.

   / Suggestions to catch this critter? #3  
Just leave the doors open and he should find his own way out. A full 5 gallon bucket of fresh water in the middle of the floor and no humans around might also help entice him down...
   / Suggestions to catch this critter? #4  
If you have a push broom or something similar just hold it up close to the bird while it is flying near the ceiling and it will land on it, then ease it down towards the opening and it will fly away

Happens at my place several times a year, also a good idea if your latch release is red to cover it with duct tape or spray paint it black.

Most birds will never look down , there has been a many a wild quail over the years that has found it's way to some ones table because they won't look down when panic't or pressured.

Alot of ranches scattered across the SW have simple quail traps that exploit this trait, most folk's in this day and age would'nt have a clue what it was if they tripped over it.

Have fun
   / Suggestions to catch this critter? #5  
I'll second the red idea. Put a pot of red flowers near the open shop door and give him some quiet time. He should come down for a snack and then go on his way.
   / Suggestions to catch this critter? #6  
We have a consensus! Eddie, J35 and Tig have hit it right with the red comments. I have a huge picture of a red car on the back wall of my garage and hummers often fly in to investigate that, then leave again when they see it isn't edible. I have to put my red hat away when there's lots of hummers around, they fly right up in my face to check me out! :)
   / Suggestions to catch this critter?
  • Thread Starter
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I think I'll park the tractor by the door this morning and see what happens, which by the way was parked just inside the door to change the oil when he showed up. Didn't realize red was such an attraction for these guys. :)

   / Suggestions to catch this critter? #8  
I have to put my red hat away when there's lots of hummers around, they fly right up in my face to check me out! :)

That is exactly my experience too. I have a red Texas Rangers ballcap that I never wear because the hummers think I'm something to eat. They buzz me relentlessly. Of course, who would want to wear a Texas Rangers cap anyhow with their record in past seasons?:rolleyes:
   / Suggestions to catch this critter? #9  
Speaking of birds, I should have looked up because a pair of barn swallows built a nest on one of the trusses in my shop and are now raising a family. As soon as the younsters fledge that nest is coming down. Also had a hummer in the shop for a short while, but he left because he didn't like country music--not so with the swallows!

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