Swallows thwarted!

   / Swallows thwarted! #31  
I guess I'm just a bleeding heart, and the birds in the barn don't bother me. We have tons of starlings and barn swallows. They make a mess, but not near what the horses do. The fledglings get themselves stuck behind the kickboards for the stalls. If I hear them fluttering around, I'll fish them out with a long-handled net. Sometimes, they'll hop onto my shoulder for a while after I fish them out. At that age, I guess they latch onto anything.

My preferred method of nesting deterrent is to tear down the nest as it's built. With Barn Swallows that may go on for a couple months.
   / Swallows thwarted! #32  
NO - drssg. You are a GOOD person - not a bleeding heart. I have a GREAT number of Red Wing Blackbirds here. Also the occasional yellow wing and orange wing mix. I will get a few starlings but they are chased away by the Blackbirds. I guess they aren't friends.