The screw log spitter hunt!

   / The screw log spitter hunt!
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PapaPerk: I'm considering the screw type over hydraulic for the following reasons: (some based on things others have done - I haven't, they just sound like good ideas.)
1: I don't think there's a hydraulic splitter capable of splitting much over 2 foot lengths, screw type can.
2: Small stuff I'm happy splitting with an axe - good workout and frankly I'm faster then a typical hydraulic splitter, I want a splitter for the more difficult stuff and the really big stuff.
3: Big stuff is a pain to man-handle onto a hydraulic splitter, a screw type on a post hole digger I can not only just back up to it, but the big stuff you can get started onto the screw then relocate the log with the tractor instead of moving it by hand, and the longer logs you can get them on the screw to the point the log is partially split, then while the log is held up in the air you can cut it to fireplace length - so you end up only having to split a log in one action while you cut it x number of times - more efficient this way. (vs 1:1 ratio cutting/splitting with a hydraulic splitter)
4: My tractor isn't big - so most hydraulic splitters will run slow on it while a screw splitter doesn't need a lot of power.
5: While I use a reasonable amount of firewood I don't split wood for a living so I don't have a need for a wood processor.
6: I like a tool with multiple uses. (Post hole auger/screw log splitter)
Quite frankly a screw type splitter designed properly and used properly is actually safer then a hydraulic splitter - consider one option you stand next to, have your hands near a press capable of 20+ tons of force, that same force can cause logs to spring or jump hitting the operator. Screw type option doesn't use huge amounts of force to split the wood, only potential issue is the log spinning if not used properly but while in operation you're sitting on the tractor seat making it impossible to be anywhere near the spinning log anyway... I won't be using a screw attached to a vehicle wheel, now that's giving Murphy plenty of opportunities!

   / The screw log spitter hunt! #32  
   / The screw log spitter hunt! #33  

Your reply to PapaPerk reinforces my idea that your choice of a PTO powered, PHD mounted screw splitter is a good choice. Like I said already, I wouldn't recommend it for regular firewood processing, but for handling the occasional big hunk of log it's perfect.

   / The screw log spitter hunt! #34  
That's my intended use also. Large - ugly logs are available for free from the "tree guy's" just for that reason, (a PITA to work up for firewood). Splitting a 8'+ long 30 something inch log in to quarters to then bucking & splitting with my chainsaw and hyd splitter, leaving the family jewels intact:laughing: This also will give my skid steer auger more work than just post hole drilling.
   / The screw log spitter hunt! #35  
I did not read all ot this thread, so I don't know how it progressed. I know where there is such a unit, that is, just the screw, forgotten and lonely! The guys Dad used to sell them. There is even an old faded poster on a door that shows the screw attached to the back axle of some sixties vintage automobile. I don't know what the guy would want for it. It is up here in Canada.
   / The screw log spitter hunt! #36  
Look up "the atom splitter" I have one and it works, but is dangerous. I have gone through 4 universal joints and 2 yolks on the 3 point post hole digger. I found a home made 3' log splitter and now use that to process wood for my outdoor wood furnace. I did use it for 2 years and nobody got hurt. Lucky? Good luck.The Atom Splitter, 300 Ton Splitter

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   / The screw log spitter hunt! #37  
Here is one for a Skid Steer if anyone is looking for a similar device. 2" HEX with adapters available.
Eterra Screw Splitter Attachment for Skid Steer Loader | Skid Steer Solutions
   / The screw log spitter hunt! #38  
How do you keep the log from spinning, and if it gets stuck ( like they skipped in the video), how do you back it out. PTO's do not have a reverse. Looks like a PITA. I too have gotten the tree buts, and just use the chain saw to chunk it apart. Cut slits in the butt end vertically about 2" narrower the the bar length, then did the side cuts working trough the trunk at the lengths that fit my wood stove - then split the slabs to the desired size
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   / The screw log spitter hunt! #39  
Look up "the atom splitter" I have one and it works, but is dangerous. I have gone through 4 universal joints and 2 yolks on the 3 point post hole digger. I found a home made 3' log splitter and now use that to process wood for my outdoor wood furnace. I did use it for 2 years and nobody got hurt. Lucky? Good luck.The Atom Splitter, 300 Ton Splitter


Now that you have the hydraulic splitter, are you looking to sell the Atom splitter?
   / The screw log spitter hunt! #40  
Not yet. I want to hang on to it in case the other one breaks down in the middle of getting my wood done in the fall.