Thinking of Retiring to New Hampshire or Vermont

   / Thinking of Retiring to New Hampshire or Vermont #21  
Outside of the fine hospitals in Boston, Dartmouth/Hitchcock is known to be the best.

Not important to some, but when I decided to move up here from RI, I considered politics and if I was spitting into the wind like in RI. (sorry to add politics:eek:)

At least in NH, I feel like my vote still counts.

Good luck with your health and your choice. :)
   / Thinking of Retiring to New Hampshire or Vermont #22  
Aw, geez, Rich... and I was hoping for a new tractorin' neighbor!:D

Good luck on whatever you do; it may well be the best solution to try to stay put. And, that territory up there isn't too shabby, either, from what I understand!

But come by anytime to visit!:)
   / Thinking of Retiring to New Hampshire or Vermont #23  
I run a warre hive. It requires minimal work, in fact I have not opened the hive since I took the queen cage out this year. Next spring I will put two bottom boxes on and then take some honey next september.
lot of info on it, free plans etc.
   / Thinking of Retiring to New Hampshire or Vermont #24  

You're right the only difference in virtual lateral move is the house tax rate and that for many is not enough to make the move.

We see it here on the seacoast where houses for generations that were in the same modest means family with an ocean view are taxed out of the area. They sell and make a nice windfall, but that means people from"away" arrive..

I agree with your plan to stay and regarding bees and honey, I cant really offer any help.

I hope your back is getting better and you are able to get around soon.

   / Thinking of Retiring to New Hampshire or Vermont #25  

You're right the only difference in virtual lateral move is the house tax rate and that for many is not enough to make the move.

We see it here on the seacoast where houses for generations that were in the same modest means family with an ocean view are taxed out of the area. They sell and make a nice windfall, but that means people from"away" arrive.... Carl

Carl NH, I'm certainly not recruiting for more NH residents but to say NYto NH is a lateral move is not reality, NY to VT maybe. MikeD74t

BTW I'm in Hampton Falls , you're ... ?
   / Thinking of Retiring to New Hampshire or Vermont #26  

To clarify my statement a virtual lateral move - its referring to the cost of living - heating, food, gas,is pretty much the same cost to live in Albany NY to VT, or NH. You still need to eat, heat, and drive.. Now if you move from NY or NH to Atlanta or FL the costs are much lower. Lower cost of housing, no heating bill, lower taxes so thats what I refer.

So the difference are the taxes in a lateral move - property tax mainly then sales tax too, but mostly property tax. So at the end of the day, its lower property taxes that make the difference, and then it depends on the town you choose.

I'm on Woodland Rd on the N Hampton/Hampton town line.
   / Thinking of Retiring to New Hampshire or Vermont #27  
NH wins absolutely hands down.

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