Thoughts on this equipment

   / Thoughts on this equipment #11  
Finding and purchasing new equipment is very entertaining, but it sounds like your plate is going to be full with numerous other projects for a while. For that reason, you may find quite an advantage if you can bundle all the owner's equipment into the purchase of the property. If he's retiring out of farming, he'll have to sell it off anyways, either piecemeal or at a sale, either of which is a big additional hassle and of uncertain return. He may make you a good package deal so he can just leave it in place for you as the new owner. That way you at least have some workable equipment to begin with and you can upgrade as needed, but on your own timetable. You'll probably dispose of some, not needing five (count 'em... 5!) tractors, but that might help pay for whatever else you'll need. It would be important to check out the equipment thoroughly, of course, so there are no surprises later.