/ TODAY'S GUN TIME #12,323  
Got way to excited discovering my shot timer wasn’t broken, it was just plugged into the wrong charger.
   / TODAY'S GUN TIME #12,324  
Got way to excited discovering my shot timer wasn’t broken, it was just plugged into the wrong charger.
I really want to get a new Chronograph for working up some loads. I'm really interested in the new Garmin Xero C1 unit. I'm waiting until they have some more track record and become more available.

Garmin Xero C1
   / TODAY'S GUN TIME #12,325  
I really want to get a new Chronograph for working up some loads. I'm really interested in the new Garmin Xero C1 unit. I'm waiting until they have some more track record and become more available.

Garmin Xero C1
Everyone is raving about them. I love my lab radar and the Garmin is basically just the next gen of the lab radar. Garmin and I don’t see eye to eye on who owns data though…that’s enough to keep me with the lab radar.
   / TODAY'S GUN TIME #12,326  
Customer - Remind me again what compressors you use again?

Me - On scrolls - genearlly Copeland for unitary split product

Customer - No, the compressors that are made in Utah

Me - I have to apologize, I don't know of any compressor manufacturers in Utah

Customer - NO, SUPPRESSORS, not compressors.

I had to apologize to him because I forgot to put my hearing aids in today.

We both got a good laugh out of it. I didn't really know the guy but he worked there and I generally bring a bunch of cans to shoot for their annual Christmas party. He was thinking abut buying one. Told him to give me a call when hunting season is over and come on over and we'll go out back so he try some different ones.

Just thought of Roy Jackson writing this...
   / TODAY'S GUN TIME #12,327  
Anyone see what the rim diameter for the new 6.02x41mm round is? Is it a .440 like the 7.62x39/grendel/arc?
   / TODAY'S GUN TIME #12,328  
UGH!!! Dealing with deer lease drama. Looks like I'll be running another member off at the end of this season.

I did smack another pig tonight with the thermal though! Man, I love the thermal bino's and the scope. I had a sounder of about 10 good sized pigs come in. When I shot that first one, you wouldn't believe how fast they scatter. Zero chance of getting a second one!! If I could find a way to crop and shrink the video, I'd post it.
   / TODAY'S GUN TIME #12,329  
When that dude is chasing and stops where all you can see is from his eyeball to his ear.
   / TODAY'S GUN TIME #12,330  
I've always cringed on the head shots, although I have no issue against it. It just always reminds me of the JFK assassination. I take them on pigs, when I need to, but always prefer a shoulder/boiler room shot.