/ TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,971  
did some forklift work

anyone need a 351/E4OD?

in addition moved 4000 LBS of tile in 2 pallets
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,972  
I used to delete my double posts but I got tired of doing it. It is not my problem that there is something wrong with the forum and I should not have to go around cleaning up my double posts. You have always had to wait 5 seconds between posts and 60 seconds on PMs.

Edit: LOL, I got an internal server error on this post then a message saying this was a duplicate post.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,973  
Moments before the brush hog tore these beautiful flowers to shreads....

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,974  
I did another stint on the Husqvarna rider, and was reminded what a gas hog it is. After filling the tank, I switched back to the B7500.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,975  
This is terribly boring, but it's what I am doing this week from 7 AM to 6 PM.

You can see the long stretch of pipeline right-of-way going over the rolling hills as far as you can see on both sides.

Other spots are extremely narrow and difficult to navigate around, but I need my hands and 100% of my attention during those times. I can't really film there.

Short video, about 1:30 minutes long. At about 1 minute in, you hear me whistling at a It could be a wolf or fox. I wished the video were a little better quality. I couldn't tell what it was.

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,976  
If that was around here it'd been a coyote. I've mowed fairly near to them without them moving much, like 40'. Agreed, though, that's boring work. Makes a critter sighting welcome.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,977  
I bought my tractor almost 3 years ago & took delivery of it with 19.8 hours on the meter. I turned 100 hours yesterday!


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   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,978  
I really liked my B3300SU. Was a beast and a more robust tractor than most of the L series.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,979  
Busted the drain plug off the radiator!!! $720 for this radiator TD170-16010

Not excited about this fix
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #4,980  
Moments before the brush hog tore these beautiful flowers to shreads....

Jump any bedded deer out of there? Looks to be a good place. I saw what looked to be a few briars and weeds with the tops nipped off.

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

2004 RANGER WELDER/ GENERATOR, S/N 41040207736 (A40519)
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2021 JOHN DEERE R15 FLEXWING MOWER, S/N 000453 (A40517)
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6ft H&H Quick Attach Bucket (A41636)
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NEW Utility Hitch Adapter Plate (A40700)
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1992 Freightliner Grain Truck (A40783)
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