/ TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,041  
poor thing is crying out I want my wheel back!!

I'm headed out to mow before it hits 91 today. Just picked up an entire large bucket full of trash from my front roadside
ditches. Hard to get optimistic about humanity when people are such cans, sports drinks, fast food containers, cigarette cartons. repeat daily.
Just hard for me to fathom. But once it's picked up I tune that part out and enjoy the job.
have a great weekend.
I was near you this last winter... I'm ALWAYS amazed when I drive south how much trash is along the roads down there... AND NC isn't the worst state for having trash all over, that award pretty much always goes to Arkansas.

I've always wondered why southerners have no respect for their own state, or just don't care what it looks like...

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,042  
Helped out with my Rotary Club & our other Rotary Club in town today using my Wood Maxx chipper to clean up a bunch of brush. Sucked that the hydraulic hose for my backhoe got pinched by the 3PH lift arm but I was able to get a replacement ho hose in less than an hour IMG_4027.JPG
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,043  
I was near you this last winter... I'm ALWAYS amazed when I drive south how much trash is along the roads down there... AND NC isn't the worst state for having trash all over, that award pretty much always goes to Arkansas.

I've always wondered why southerners have no respect for their own state, or just don't care what it looks like...


When I lived in MS we noticed that when ever our front lawn was freshly mowed and looked great that certain people would throw out cans, bottles and wrappers. I think part of the problem is driven by jealousy.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,044  
Been busy this week clearing brush and drilling post holes for a new vineyard project. Spent about 5 or 6 hours clearing trees and stumps then smoothed out the roughest spots with the box blade. Customer did not want to spend the money to get it real smooth. That was the best I could do in 6 hours time. So far I have drilled about 750 holes 12"x36" deep. Have about 300 holes left to complete for Monday afternoon. Using the JD110tlb with PA30 auger on the hoe. His people are planting the vines 4' apart with row spacing of 8'. This is in the Hondo Valley in New Mexico. Pictures from the seat of the backhoe. I took the second picture where I stopped Friday morning. The wind has been tough this past week gusts to 60 mph, glad I have cabs for this work.


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   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,045  
I was near you this last winter... I'm ALWAYS amazed when I drive south how much trash is along the roads down there... AND NC isn't the worst state for having trash all over, that award pretty much always goes to Arkansas.

I've always wondered why southerners have no respect for their own state, or just don't care what it looks like...

It's the tourist from up your way. Also rural areas are more susceptible to littering for obvious reasons. FL. Puts prisoners out on chaingangs to clean up highways. None have been ran over yet but I'm holding out on hope.....
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,046  
I started a major landscape project today. I took out 5 honeysuckle shrubs. The cedar will come out as well, then a retaining wall goes in and only SWMBO knows how many plants and shrubs will go in. I know we'll be putting in about a 10 foot tall blue spruce on Labor Day in remembrance of my m-i-l.



It was a bit hairy on the hillside. Tires are loaded, I added 45 lbs to each wheel, and 260 lbs on the 3pt. I had a rear wheel in the air and tried to lower the bucket and the the wheel lifted higher. So I lifted the bucket and it went higher still. The laws of physics wouldn't seem to allow that, but that's what happened. Once I got loose, I stopped and borrowed my neighbor's 4 skid steer weights. 423 lbs on the 3pt made a whole new tractor out of it.
The cedar will be interesting.
Oh, and cleared a few hundred square yards of buckthorn for another neighbor.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,047  
Finished decking the bridge and towed it the mile & a half from home to the property.


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   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,048  
Well, I didn't get any picts of my actual seat time, but I did of the results of it!

I was loading logs onto my BSM and hauling the slab wood away, where we cut them into firewood. Anyway, I "grade sawed" a 10' walnut log, check out this 16" wide "cant" that produced high grade clear lumber!!

That one log produced 175 bd. ft. of 5/4 lumber, with much of it clear,


As you can see, I also milled out some "stickers"...


Oh, wow. Just head over to my place with that load. It would get a much better home here. It's so pretty, you'll be afraid to use it and I'll put it to better use. :D

Seriously, what a beautiful load of wood. You lucky dog.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,049  
It's the tourist from up your way. Also rural areas are more susceptible to littering for obvious reasons. FL. Puts prisoners out on chaingangs to clean up highways. None have been ran over yet but I'm holding out on hope.....
More than a few times I followed a car/truck that threw junk out of their window, and those car's didn't have out of state plates.

Driving around in some of the southern states reminds me of flying into a remote village in Alaska! lol

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #7,050  
Oh, wow. Just head over to my place with that load. It would get a much better home here. It's so pretty, you'll be afraid to use it and I'll put it to better use. :D

Seriously, what a beautiful load of wood. You lucky dog.

You liked that one, so here's the tally from a walnut I milled yesterday,



Tractor & Equipment Auctions

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72in Grapple Bucket, (A33078)
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Unused 72in QT Fine High Side Skeleton Bucket, (A33079)
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2018 Kubota SVL95-2 Skidsteer (A34009)
2018 Kubota...
4 Yard steel end load dumpster, used w/ normal wear & tear (A33073)
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Torch Cart, Regulators, Hose &  SmithTorch (A33349)
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