tractor choices

   / tractor choices #12  
It is correct to not get too hung up on horsepower. However, your altitude dictates that you de-rate the HP on most tractors a bit. That is why I suggested around 40 Horses with turbo. Normally, notwithstanding loader lift issues, you could do just fine with 30 hp or so.

If you get snow by the foot, a snow blower is the only way to go. I use a snow plow and it's faster than a blower..... until the snow gets deep and you have no place to push it. Front mount blowers are sweet but cost more.

Visiting Kioti might well be worth your time and effort. The DK40 I think is turbo and comes in a factory cab. It should be priced along the lines of the Montana. Check it out on Kioti's website. It's a beast that will handle whatever you might want to do with it. You might find the same thing in a Bobcat (rebadged Kioti for the most part).
   / tractor choices #13  
I'm a 'Bota man, but if I wasn't, I'd be a JD man. Based on what you described, a 35 horse JD would be PLENTY. I have a 21 hsp 'Bota on 6 acres, and it does everything and then some. I even use it on a 200 acre piece for some logging. Granted, its a little small for that, but it gets the job done. I would think a 35 hsp JD would accomplish quite a bit! My neighbor has a slightly larger JD and he loves it.
   / tractor choices
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I went to a Kioti dealer today, and had a horrible time.

a worse dealer I have never seen, basically told me he isn't buying any tractors in 2010 and then proceeded to tell me that every other dealer that I mentioned was basically a crook that was going to sell me a tractor and then never service it.

Not just the kioti ones but all of them except JD.

so according to him every tractor company is going bankrupt except JD.
   / tractor choices #15  
That's a shame because you would have liked the DK40. I continue to be dumbfounded by "sales" guys that just don't know how to run a business. Sorry you wasted your time.
   / tractor choices
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I'm still determined to find a good Kioti dealer.

CowwFace recommended one that I'm going to call today, no more driving and just showing up, its about 2.5 hours away, and I'm a little leery of them because they arn't listed on the kioti site, and their website doesn't seem to exist., hopefully they are still in business.

there is another one thats down south and it seems like the largest one. The guy yesterday told me they won't service it however I think I'm just going to write off everything that twit told me

then next week I'm going to visit the bota dealer to see what they have.
   / tractor choices #17  
To get a Kioti with turbo and a cab you would have to go with the DK 55. Pricewise it might be to much for you but I don't think the size would be to bad for your uses although you could get away with a lot smaller tractor.
   / tractor choices #18  
I am liking the idea of an HST just for ease of use and also when I'm out of town it would be easier for the wife to operate if we got a big dumping of snow.

I don't see anything in the JD lit saying the yanmar diesel engine has a turbo or that it is an option.

HST vs ???? is a bit like the Ford / Chev / Dodge thing, however, IMO for ease of operation HST is the way to go.

In the JD 3x20 line the 3320 is natural aspirated while Turbo is on the 3520 / 3720. All three have Cab option.
   / tractor choices #19  
I'm a little concerned that Montana bought branson and I'm told will be coming out with a montana tractor with some branson tech on it. this concerns me on buying a montana before this happens because I don't want parts and service on mine to be hurt because its no longer made, however from reading on here I've found alot of people saying the parts are common to alot of tractors and so they are not going to be discontinued.

Is there anything I should be concerned about on buying a montana?
I'm sure the JD and NH would probably retain their value more than the montana, but the are quite abit more expensive to start with.

Any suggestions or advise would be appreciated.

I gather by the posts since this one that you have pretty much forgotten about a Montana purchase. I thought for the record you should know the story on the Montana - Branson relationship. Here is a thread on the subject. Good luck in your search:)

   / tractor choices
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I appreciate it.

I still have the montana's in my mind but I'm a little leary until they get set up. The dealer says there is going to be a new montana coming out this year that uses the branson tech, which worries me that if I buy the old style montana I'm going to be left out in the cold.

Right now I'm just looking at all my options. and Appreciate tractor owners telling me what they have and what works for them. I would have never even looked at kioti except a lot of people on here sound like they like them.

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