Tractorbynet Lost a Member and Many of Us Lost a Good Friend

   / Tractorbynet Lost a Member and Many of Us Lost a Good Friend #53  
Thanks for posting that Eddie. For his son to put his thoughts down that well, speaks volumes about their family.
   / Tractorbynet Lost a Member and Many of Us Lost a Good Friend #54  
Please delete if not appropriate, but this is what Mikes son posted on his FB page. It moved me and I wanted to share it with those that new Mike "Dad, I finished putting new blades on the mower and mowed the front pasture. Thanks for bringing the clouds in. Shade was nice. Jimmy got around the house and the big oaks. Larry helped me change the water filter in the well house. I borrowed your truck for a couple of days. Mines in the shop. I know, I know it's a Chevy...but I like it, so..... I'm struggling Dad. I'm dying inside. I don't know why God called you home so early. I'm guessing he had chores that needed to be done. You always said yall were close and that "hard work is good for the soul". I'm mad at God right now, but he knows I still love him. I'm thankful he sent you to be my Dad. I got your lessons down. Work hard, be thankful, help others but don't be a crutch, and love your family. Bernice told me how you "tested" the electric fence. Said you bent down and zapped your forehead lol! We got a laugh outta that. smile emoticon Bernice misses you. We're loving on her as much as we can. We got people coming to the house next week to see you off. BBQ with Friends and family. You made quite an impression down here. I guess I can see why God took notice. Ill bring the boys by more often to visit with Bernice. I know youll be there too. In the rumble of a tractor, swaying of the trees with the breeze. The wild berries u planted, and the joy the grandkids get riding the buggy around the fields. Give Aunt Paige and Grandma a hug and kiss for me. Tell Daniel and Janet their brother loves and misses them. And watch out for Grandpa! I'm sure he's gonna give you a run for you money now haha!...... I love you SO're my hero.....anyway, I know you've got fields of gold to tend to....I'll see you when my chores are through down here. — feeling heartbroken."

What a beautiful, beautiful posting.😢
   / Tractorbynet Lost a Member and Many of Us Lost a Good Friend #58  
This is a great picture of Mikim, TexasDon, Jinman, Mikim's grandson, and yours truly.

Now I ask you, is that Mikim a hansome happy young man in this photo?

You bet he was. You see Mike, Don, and Jim were what I called the TBN's three musketeers. They had a special relationship and to be honest, I was a little, well, more than a little envious of it. And the reason Mike was so happy was because he was doing something for Jim.

Jim passed away six or seven weeks after this photo. Mike will be buried one year later, to the day.

My heart is heavy because of my loss. But my loss is nothing compared to my friend Don's. He's the last of TBN's three musketeers.

When I hear someone say something about the internet and the phony friendships etc I have to smile. You see some of my best experiences involved some of those internet friends, people like Jim, Mike, and Don. We built a bridge, a carport, a couple of neat gates and we installed an elevator. All of it because we could and it was fun.

Life is short. And some make it a lot more interesting because they love and do for all the right reasons, gonna miss you Mike Kennedy.

Doesn/t matter if one did not know Mike. Harvey brought home the concept of what all of this group stood for and the joy of life they experienced. Anyone would be envious of that if they themselves never experienced this kind of camaraderie. Heartfelt condolences to each and everyone directly touched by this tragedy.
   / Tractorbynet Lost a Member and Many of Us Lost a Good Friend #59  
I talked to Corey last night and shared our sentiments about his post about his father. He's a great kid (man). I told him how much Mike's buds on TBN loved the comment. It is as good a statement of a son about a father that I've seen.

There was a lot of laughter while we were there at the viewing. Everyone had Mike stories that made you go from a smile to a laugh. He was that kind of a guy, lived larger than life and had fun doing it.
   / Tractorbynet Lost a Member and Many of Us Lost a Good Friend #60  
Knowing Mike and meeting and hearing his kids today talk about their Dad...............I saw a little of Mike in his whole family. The whole family has that mischievous twinkle in their eyes. It was refreshing. I was in awe at how many folks took the time to stay for lunch with the family. I'm guessing 50-60 folks attended lunch, with the majority of us sharing stories of Mike.
RIP, Mike.
With tears in my eyes........
hugs, Brandi