Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #21,031  
Exactly. Not getting up at night is a big benefit. For about 3 months the stove is going 24/7 and with the stove up to temp 9" pieces will burn solo. I will comment that I mostly burn Doug Fir. I cannot burn 9" diameter hardwood solo, the fire will not stay going. I do split those smaller, but I have little hardwood.
Depends on the setup. I have a heat storage tank and burn 2-3x per week. Don't usually burn overnight. Hot and fast for me.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #21,032  
With the wood burning stove you can enjoy the constant
heat. Oil or gas furnce forced air warm then cool etc.
These small room heaters are like the oil or gas ones but
the oil filled heater you have a constant heat as long as you
have power and when the power shuts off when temp reached
you still have the heat from the oil. A guy that I went to school
with purchased a house hot water oil heat but it had a fire place
so he hooked up pipe into the fire place heats the whole house

I have seen large pipes run in ground for heating & cooling a
house think it was on mother earth

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #21,033  
Here is the clip it shows the actual machine and
a new way to cut down a tree??????????
To me the notch is way too small to start with
and I never had to use a wedge to cut down a tree

Personally I would cut or split our fire wood just
small enough so it would fit the opening of the
door of the wood stove. Also if its a round piece
that would fit threw the stove door I would not
split it. Small pieces of fire wood are good for a
wood cook stove

What’s new about jacking timber over? It’s still a fairly normal thing to do in the industry especially on the West Coast for different reason such as RMA’s, Houses, Powerlines, or just to save something out better for a high dollar stick. This one that got jacked over was a back leaner on a property line, there you can see the jack seat as well as one of the rams which when combined they will lift 102 tons with the capability to lift 306 tons with more rams off of that single pump.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #21,034  
In Wisconsin I have never seen a jack used to fell
a tree, jack up a car, truck or house have seen done!
We have cut down some oak and pine over 150 feet
tall with no jack just a chain saw no wedges now cutting
them up we have used wedges but it depended on the
size of the tree trunk as most of the time we prop one
end up and cut from under neath so no wedge needed

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #21,035  
In Wisconsin I have never seen a jack used to fell
a tree, jack up a car, truck or house have seen done!
We have cut down some oak and pine over 150 feet
tall with no jack just a chain saw no wedges now cutting
them up we have used wedges but it depended on the
size of the tree trunk as most of the time we prop one
end up and cut from under neath so no wedge needed

150’ you can wedge, 200’ you can wedge, 250’ the same, 300’ you can as well, the point is it’s nothing new to be done. As far as using wedges you may not use wedges and have the luxury of putting stuff where ever you want, but in industry that doesn’t always happen.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #21,036  
I have one of these,


It works pretty good but is quite heavy. I've used it to jack over some bigger tree's before just as insurance, when I wanted them to go a certain way.

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #21,037  
In Wisconsin I have never seen a jack used to fell
a tree, jack up a car, truck or house have seen done!
We have cut down some oak and pine over 150 feet
tall with no jack just a chain saw no wedges now cutting
them up we have used wedges but it depended on the
size of the tree trunk as most of the time we prop one
end up and cut from under neath so no wedge needed


How often are you dropping a tree opposite it's direction of lean? Wedging during felling is not about height: it's all about lean. In the crop and mast tree release I am doing now, I can't just let the tree fall where it wants to. I use wedges to make that happen. I find it much faster than using a winch or come-along, and am not a fan of pushing trees over with my tractor (many of them I could not get a tractor anywhere near anyway. The woods are just too dense.)
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #21,038  
I've got a big pine which I would prefer went away from the side with the heaviest branches... my service line is on two sides, my house is on a third. I'm not even going to attempt it myself. My neighbor is much better at felling than I am and just happens to be across the road cutting pine right now. I will let him drop it, then drag the top out to a more convenient location, limb it, and drag the pulp to his pile. I once estimated there was about 300 feet of lumber in it before it cabbages. I should get several 16 foot sticks of pulp, so we both will come out ahead.

In hindsight I should have cut it 20 years ago, before having power brought in.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #21,040  
Tough little machine.


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