Trees or bushes for privacy??

   / Trees or bushes for privacy?? #11  
Eastern Red Cedar will grow anywhere. If you can stand having them bordering your yard.
   / Trees or bushes for privacy?? #12  
In western Mass. the honeysuckles grow wild along cow pasture fence rows providing thick privacy hedge rows. The birds love them- nesting and even green herons.

Here in Maine I planted tartarian honey suckles and they are also a favorite. Hummingbirds when the flowers are out, waxwings eat the berries, and catbirds nest in them along with other birds. They will spread themselves via bird droppings. Tough bush - Grows thick and dense.
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   / Trees or bushes for privacy?? #13  
Why would you want to plant something that is similar to multiflora rose, but not as bad as Russian olive. That is honeysuckle.
In Ohio its only good point is that honeysuckle is crowding out multiflora roses
   / Trees or bushes for privacy?? #14  
Ha, ha - - - location, location - etc. Of all the trees and shrubs I've planted here over the 36 years I've been here - Russian Olive is the VERY MOST DIFFICULT tree/bush to get to grow. I've planted over 30 small starters and now have two live R Olive trees.

It has to be the Ph and nutrient content of the soil that holds the R Olives back.

Contact your state soil conservation service - they can provide a list of bushes that will grow best in your particular area.
   / Trees or bushes for privacy?? #15  
I have a row of natural Bottle Brush between me and a neighbor... do absolutely nothing and provides 100% privacy... the former owner planted when the new home was going in next door in 2000.

The Bottle Brush are drought tolerant... at least unaffected during the last 5 years of drought and growing under California Live and Coastal Oak.

Down the street has Oleander... not quite as high but also drought tolerant... the oaks are near by so not sure if it would thrive under the oaks like my Bottle Brush.
   / Trees or bushes for privacy?? #16  
Tartarian honeysuckle is an invasive plant not native to the US, spreads rapidly & will choke out native species!
   / Trees or bushes for privacy?? #17  
We get laurel growing wild under our Douglas-firs and where planted they make a barrier that would work for a border wall, it's so dense.--if it would grow there. We are in western Oregon with 40-50 inches of rain in the fall thru spring. It tolerates a summer drought and cold winters, temps down in the lower teens.