TV "remodeler" shows

   / TV "remodeler" shows #11  
The only REAL craftsman was on This Old House, Tom Silva!

Norm, when he was getting started was pretty good as well. Probably better than Tom.

The remodel shows are too painful for me to watch. Sad truth, orezok, is that your wife might even doubt you on a construction question yet take the word of of a talking head on TV without question.
   / TV "remodeler" shows #12  
It seems that a bunch of these shows originate in Canada which brings me to the question....

Does anybody get their homes inspected in Canada or are the inspectors sleeping on the job?
   / TV "remodeler" shows #13  
Just attention ****** who want people to look at them. Most of society has the same affliction. That's why they constantly take pictures of themselves for other people to look at.

I will say that I have been impressed with Mike Holmes. Seems to know his stuff and not be all made up for the camera.

I thought that too, until I saw him installing CSST in a home and talking about how awesome it was. Hope you paid that insurance premium, Mike. That's some bad stuff.

That being said, I do respect the fact that he has started a training academy for skilled trades. That's awesome and much needed. He and Mike Rowe need to get together for some promotional stuff on this concept.
   / TV "remodeler" shows
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Sad truth, orezok, is that your wife might even doubt you on a construction question yet take the word of of a talking head on TV without question.

No, she knows. When ever I tell her that what they are doing is wrong or just stupid, she always sez, "I know it's just a TV show".
   / TV "remodeler" shows #16  
I agree Mike has a big head and can turn a mole hill into a mountain but he at least knows is stuff instead of some Hollywood wannabee superintendent. Most of those people would be lost if you put them in charge of building a dog house from start to finish.
   / TV "remodeler" shows #17  
I like Mike's show, but a few of the things they criticize are/were acceptable ways things were done in their time. Most the time though, it is just outrageously wrong. Watched one last night, wow, was things done wrong.

I know when I was building my house, there were sometimes those "**** or get off the pot" moments, when I didn't know the best way to do something, but I had to do something to keep things moving,so I did what I thought was best. Course this was before TBN, so I couldn't ask the experts :laughing:
   / TV "remodeler" shows #18  
I pretty much loathe and despise all remodel shows, starting waaay back with Bob "You can do anything I can with a crew of highly trained craftsmen, custom fabrication shops, and a Disney Budget" Vila. He, in my opinion, was the worst of the lot. The Martha Stewart of home improvement.

   / TV "remodeler" shows #19  
Well it seems to me that ALL TV is designed for sensationalism and not for useful information, no real surprise there. Be it home improvement (?), NEWS, documentaries, whatever. As an ex volunteer firefighter, I am drawn to the fire department shows such as "Chicago Fire" but gosh, either they do things weird in Chicago or the fire scenes are totally out of touch with the real world. But at least the mainstream entertainment shows do not masquerade as being educational.
   / TV "remodeler" shows #20  
Always enjoyed The New Yankee Workshop that norm did. Also like ask this old house and this old house. Although they seem to be in really high end neighborhoods. Mike Holmes is also good but a lot of the bad I think is over exaggerated. And he makes problems bigger than they really are. Most of the other shows I can't stand.