Price Check Used B2320 HST

   / Used B2320 HST #1  


Nov 18, 2007
Marcola, OR
Yanmar SA424
I found a local ad for a B2320HST with front end loader, king kutter brush hog and just over 200 hours.
It is a 2008 model and the asking price is $8500

I'm considering a JD 2320 at $14k new with the 0% for 48 deal but this seems like too good an offer to pass up.

What do you think?
   / Used B2320 HST #2  
Was it on Craigslist? Watch out for a scam.
   / Used B2320 HST #3  
This is just a guess on my part, but that would have to be 12k to 14k brand new, so that sounds like a deal to me. Run the price of a new one Kubota's web site and that would give you an idea on the new cost.
   / Used B2320 HST
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beenthere said:
Was it on Craigslist? Watch out for a scam.

I spoke to the guy (local number, and got directions) and he told me about the history, and work performed at the local dealer.
Seems legit but I can see it in person to be sure.
   / Used B2320 HST #5  
This is just a guess on my part, but that would have to be 12k to 14k brand new, so that sounds like a deal to me. Run the price of a new one Kubota's web site and that would give you an idea on the new cost.

I came up with about 13,700 brand new. So if it is not a scam, or severely damaged in some way that sounds like a very good deal. If you don't buy it you should turn someone else on here on to it who may be looking for that size.
   / Used B2320 HST
  • Thread Starter
Went to check it out this afternoon. The owner was moving some loam that had just been delivered so I got to do a quick test drive.
Operates as expected and I think it may be the perfect size. I drove it around in some forest and got a feel for the size of it. Moved a couple stumps, and it all felt good.
Some cosmetic damage- scratches and small dings but nothing major.
The price is right too.
Tractor and loader on Kubota's site is $15735.
It comes with a 4' brush hog and box blade for $8750
   / Used B2320 HST #7  
Went to check it out this afternoon. The owner was moving some loam that had just been delivered so I got to do a quick test drive.
Operates as expected and I think it may be the perfect size. I drove it around in some forest and got a feel for the size of it. Moved a couple stumps, and it all felt good.
Some cosmetic damage- scratches and small dings but nothing major.
The price is right too.
Tractor and loader on Kubota's site is $15735.
It comes with a 4' brush hog and box blade for $8750

Sounds like a winner to me. You need to pick that baby up, if nothing else, if you don't like it you can easily get your money out of it plus some profit to boot. If you get it, don't forget to post pics !!
   / Used B2320 HST #8  
no, really, where exactly is this located??? :laughing::laughing::laughing: just for curiosity sake...
   / Used B2320 HST #9  
no, really, where exactly is this located??? :laughing::laughing::laughing: just for curiosity sake...

Yes, let us know... Inquiring minds want to know :laughing:

BTW teg, I stayed in hillsville va the other day.
   / Used B2320 HST #10  
Yes, let us know... Inquiring minds want to know :laughing:

BTW teg, I stayed in hillsville va the other day.
If it was over the last wk/ed, you were 5 miles from my place... we picked 65 pounds of sweet corn on Sunday!!! ...been trying to give most of it away :thumbsup: Could have given you some :laughing:

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