Used Millermatic 250?

   / Used Millermatic 250? #1  


Silver Member
Aug 24, 2010
Norman, OK
Mahindra 3316HST
I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on a used Millermatic 250. Are there any particular concerns with these units? What should I look at when I go to check it out? I've attached a couple of pictures (click to enlarge); I'm a little bit concerned about what appears to be rust, but but it looks more like something else dripped on the unit than anything else. Thoughts?


Thanks in advance!
   / Used Millermatic 250? #2  
If it was me, I would want to take the cover off and look inside, I would be more concerned about what ever spilled on the case than anything else.. If all looked well inside.. and the price is right, and it welds right give it a go. Look for any signs of corrosion, any white or green powders and or rust on components . If I saw any at all I would reject it.

James K0UA
   / Used Millermatic 250? #3  
Other than the two stains, it looks really good. I have one just like it. Check that the contactor sounds strong and doesn't chatter, gas solenoid works properly and the wire feed runs smooth at all speeds. They are a fine machine.
   / Used Millermatic 250? #4  
Are you an experienced Mig weldor? Over the years I've read numerous threads where people complain about the very small window to find the sweet spot on the 250. Must be some truth to it, because Miller discontinued it fairly quick, and came out with the 251, then the 252. Which I understand the 252 is the best of all three to find the sweet spot. I personally have never run a 250, but I know a mechanic who has one, but he won't let me run it! :confused:
   / Used Millermatic 250?
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I am just about as novice as one can be and still spell MIG. I think I have maybe three hours, total. Granted, I did just finish a class at the local votech, but, definitely not experienced.

Also, it's sounding like the price is high. Asking $1300, and further research finds them on eBay for considerably less.
   / Used Millermatic 250? #6  
Well I'm no pro, but I've pulled a few triggers in my time. I've yet to see a machine I can't dial in! I'd love to get my hands on a 250 just to see what all the hub bub is about. I begged that mechanic to let me try his machine, maybe I shouldn't have told him what I had read! When I kept on asking him, he just smiled and walked away.:confused:
   / Used Millermatic 250? #7  
$1300 does seem a bit much unless it comes with a bunch of goodies (full roll of wire, full tall bottle, spare tips, liner, etc). They do take a bit of fussing to get dialed in compared to the three phase machine I ran for years. You might want to keep looking as that on isn't likely to get snapped up at that price, Hobart Handlers are well reviewed machines and seem slightly under priced in the red vs. blue used price war, at least what I've seen here.
   / Used Millermatic 250? #8  
$1300 is too much. We started our foundry in 1997. I don't remember exactly when we got our 250, but it was within 2 or 3 years of that. The faceplate is a little different and I'm not sure which is older, ours or the one in the picture. We bought ours new for $1250. That was for the machine, regulator, torch and a few consumables. Ours has been a good machine. It has been back to the service shop once due to a fried board. I don't think that's bad when you consider that its been used by anyone in Maintenance and the occasional contractor. I just think the seller is asking too much unless, like flyerdan said, there are other things included. If I were looking for a used one, I'd be looking for one about half that. If fact, a couple of years back, you could get a new 211 for little more than that.
   / Used Millermatic 250? #9  
Thats an 800-900 machine tops.
Open that baby up and take pics as well.
Go get a bottle and plug it in before buying and and LISTEN
to what Shield Arc is sayin....

I have a Miller VINTAGE and I paid 900 for it WITH a bottle!
Go price a full tank of SteelMix Gas w/ no trade in...

Now add the cost o fthe bottle and the 1300

How far are you from a brand new Miller now? Hmmmm?

Nope...if it works and you will settle for it offer him 700 imo
   / Used Millermatic 250? #10  
Location, location, location! Just because something sells for a certain price in one area doesn't mean that's what it's worth in another.
I would offer $1000. and see how that goes. They don't come up for sale here very often.
You can't buy a better machine than Miller! They are known for under rating their machines. I have used 250 Miller MIGs for years with no problems.
I have a Miller 210 MIG that I bought in 2001 and I use it weekly. I had the ground clamp bolt come loose and I had to clean the wire guide where it enters the feed. When I bought it money was tight, it paid for itself in three months!!!