Using tilt while in float?

   / Using tilt while in float? #1  


Gold Member
Oct 6, 2008
Massey Ferguson GC1723
I was reading many older threads and one caught my interest. While in the float position such as mowing, can you use the front tilt to keep the quick attach straight. I notice when in float no hydraulic lift is applied but if you bump the lever left or right it will operate the front tilt quick attach. Is there any draw back in doing this? One of the earlier posters said it was a no no.

I love this new machine, and I have had to do a small repair already. I was just driving it around my yard one day and put it away for the night. The next day I smelt gas fumes in my garage. I look under my PT and there is a puddle of gas on the floor. Here the fuel line was not pushed up all the way on the fuel filter over the fuel line hose crimps. So if you smell gas check your lines. I fixed both ends of the line to be sure it don't happen again (under the gas tank and up to the fuel filter). I am glad I found it before I used it again. It could have been a real serious situation.

   / Using tilt while in float? #2  
The tilt works fine while in float. I use it all the time while mowing with my PT-425. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using it.
   / Using tilt while in float?
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Thanks, I just didn't want to mess anything up.
   / Using tilt while in float? #4  
When I am mowing I try to set the tilt in the center of the throw while on level ground before I start so that I have the most travel forward and reverse as I go over uneven ground. But many times I will see the mower lift the front or rear wheels if I am changing angles abruptly. So, of course, use the dump/curl on the joystick any time you want to maintain proper deck alignment with the ground.

Another thing you will learn is that you can curl it all the way back and trim over the edge of a slope without dropping the mower over the edge.

Lastly, if you ever have to mow up a steep hill and find you are losing traction by observing wheel spin, pull the joystick out of float and raise mower deck just and inch off the ground. This pulls the weight of the mower off of the mower wheels and transfers that weight to the front wheels of the tractor. You will gain a ton of traction and most likely be able to make it up the hill then. When you get to a less steep part of the hill, slap the joystick back into float and continue as normal. ;)

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