vertical exhaust 2420 custom

   / vertical exhaust 2420 custom #1  


Gold Member
Jul 31, 2005
And now a TC 55 2420 4060 whatever you want to call it with a vertical exhaust oh joy. While my tractor was being repaired my dealers dad had some time to make the vertical exhaust I require for fieldwork after numerous attempts to get new Holland to admit there is a need for such exhaust to no avail. He decided not to weld the flex pipe in case it ever gets ripped off each part can be replaced individually quite simply actually but I would've never thought of it, I had a general idea of where I wanted it he did the rest quite nicely too I must say. As he calculated no real difference on the turbo a matter of fact I think it gets out easier one sloping curve and straight out the top compared to the six different angles the front takes to get out, a little louder but it sounds cool what you expect a tractor to sound like :). When I get the tractor tomorrow I'll take closer pictures you can make it yourself one angle pipe coming off the muffler flex pipe and one straight pipe next to the loader were used to clamp through one hole that was already on the loader and welded a support bracket on the tall pipe and bolted it to the second hole on the loader it worked out perfect no drilling or welding to the loader carrier. He said if he had more time he could've got the long pipe bent at a muffler shop and then hack sawed it to look more official I told him not to worry about it it looks fine and the best part no more dust filling the air cleaner.


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   / vertical exhaust 2420 custom #2  
I am jealous :D That is one sweet exhaust system. And looks awsome too
Can't wait to see more pictures under the hood so I can make one up fpr mine.
   / vertical exhaust 2420 custom #3  
That is very nice looking! I like the angle of the exhaust and how it follows the lines of the cab, angled back. Very slick.
I'm lucky I guess, as my exhaust doesn't kick up dust like I read about others. My exhaust hits the ground 6 - 8 feet away from the tractor, so the pipe might be bent at a slight angle compared to your original.
   / vertical exhaust 2420 custom #4  
Pretty slick looking job. In the first pic the angle makes it look like you're fixin' to get in the electrical wires.:eek: Be careful!
   / vertical exhaust 2420 custom
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Well I got the tractor back around 230 this afternoon absolute love it first I have to say it's really not louder it's just more pronounced I have a video of it starting up from inside the cab I just have to figure out how to post it. Now the short time I've been a member on this site, I've heard people make a lot of claims that I just didn't believe, but I can tell you this, after mowing for nearly 5 hours with my flail which usually results in the front of the tractor Grill being plugged with residue of grasses, hay and mostly that white fluffy stuff, you'll see one of the pictures absolutely nothing . I've got to scratch my own head because I know the exhaust blew the dirt in the open fields that was a given but I never realized how much cuttings and debris the muffler would kick up and then the radiator fan would suck them in, the tractor would never overheat even in tallgrass or a 90 degree day even with the grill pack but apparently now that won't happen anymore , I'll keep checking the next few times I mow I'll let you know if this strange phenomenon continues. Now a funny story when I went to pick my tractor up this afternoon I ran into the new Holland representative who was at the dealership discussing new products, my dealer encouraged me to try and have a civilized conversation with the man if you check some of my post you'll see I had a go around with one of the representatives when I first got my tractor. he saw the exhaust thought it was a great idea I told him about my discussion with the technical line waiting for two months he laughed a little bit and then realized I was serious he sort of apologized and tried to explain to me how long it would take them to get the engineering staff and everybody on board the dealer usually handles little things like this I wasn't too happy with his answer he also made a valid point vertical exhaust have one drawback with new tractor owners the black smoke scares a lot of people and looks dirty they don't understand it's the nature of the beast I've got to admit I never realized how much mine smoked until now it's quite surprising one heavy kick of the foot throttle and poof, my next suggestions how about a fuel bowl with a valve on the bottom so I can drain the water off , and a few mounting brackets on the cab for extra lights especially in the back. He sort of looked and said don't you have lights in the back? I explained to him when you're backing up 1400 foot at 10:30 PM in a nor'easter you need a lot more light than two 55W lamps once again a nice young guy but over his head. But at the same time I'd rather deal with him than that other ***** $$$$ :). Well I'll post the rest of the photos I have and I'll try to get that video up somewhere it'll give you an idea of the sound and you'll see the smoke when she first starts and when you kick her heavy reminds me of my old case she smoked all the time take care


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   / vertical exhaust 2420 custom #7  
Looks great! Simple too. K.I.S.S. :p Always the best way, I say :D.
A couple ?'s: Does the stack block your view much?
While my tractor was being repaired...
What was wrong with it? Nothing serious, I hope.
   / vertical exhaust 2420 custom #8  
Good to see the smoke going up where it should be ...the pictures were great but video takes the cake .
I hear ya loud and clear on the exhaust clogging up the grill and raditor plus your lungs I noticed the same thing when running the brush hog , but my air filter is behind the raidator on the 40 and really has not been plugging up too bad .
Glad you got her straightend out and thanks for sharing...After I steal your exhaust idea , you might be ready fo me to steal your custom dual rear light bracket :)
   / vertical exhaust 2420 custom
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From yesterday's experience of mowing I would say I didn't even notice it was there other than a puff of smoke now and then when I change direction or heavy rpm load and the fact that I was admiring it :). No problem John , here's an idea I came up on my own I just didn't have time to mount them last season winter arrived too soon. Basically I went to HomeDepot and picked up two brackets about 2 1/2 inches wide about 5 inches long pretty darn strong painted them black, next I found some high density LED lights I forgot which website I got them from but they're coming down in price so much now you can get them anywhere basically 25 Watt draw but almost 120 W light output their bright. I haven't put it together that's one of my projects this summer along with many others ;-) I will tried to explain it and show you where I was going to mount them you'll get the idea. On the 2420 the brake lights and directional are mounted to a welded bracket right into the cab structure I'm assuming yours is the same, if you look at the back there are two bolts that hold the assembly onto this I was going to use the top bolt with a washers to hold my bracket then use the existing hold the top of the bracket to mount the lights on it would almost be the perfect height you could aim them wide, and I don't think they get ripped off too bad no worse than the existing light system. As far as powering them I was going to do one of two things either take the power from my back trailer light socket and run the wire up to the two lights and take them off in the spring, or feed new wire and follow the brake lights and wires right into the cab a more professional look that's the part I haven't figured out yet. And now for the fuel bowl this just might work, I know I haven't heard many people complain but I just can't understand why there isn't a water drain on a diesel tractor? Anyway after doing some research I found that the competition John Deere has the 4000 series tractor and guess what it has a valve in the bottom of the bowl, from a quick look at the dealer it's exactly the same size as a matter of fact the same filter and little spring at the bottom it's a little different color white plastic but I swear I think it will fit without a problem there about $45 I told the dealer what I was trying to do his pretty cool he told me if it didn't work I could bring it back I'll let you know. Oh well that's all I can think of for now I'm on vacation this week so I'm having a lot of time to play :) :). Will start a new post about the lack of a oil cooler to keep the loader moving along after hours of work apparently only the EHSS gets an oil cooler , but after running my PTO for a few hours my loader is basically slower than molasses until she cools down another great design new Holland


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   / vertical exhaust 2420 custom #10  
That's a clever fix for a real problem. Did you ever consider building a small diffuser box to put on the end of your exhaust so it would break up the blast of air that was stirring up the dust? Perhaps there was not room for that.

The only thing I think you may improve on later is the use of the muffler clamp holding the flex pipe and also serving as the lower stack support. I believe that will be problematic because of the heat cycling and loosening so that you may end up with a rattle or the clamp may experience metal fatigue. I think I would have tried to have a clamp be a clamp and fabricate a different support bracket that only had one job to do. I may be way off here, but that's just my gut feeling.

It's surely a nice job and I can tell you are thrilled to have it. Funny, but sometimes its those simple fixes to nagging problems that put the biggest smiles on our faces.:)