Walk the dog, then post a photo

   / Walk the dog, then post a photo #11  
I have 80 acres. Brownie and I will cover most all areas in a years time. He gets so tied up - sniffing smells - it could take hours to cover it all in one go.

Jstpssng - I think what interests him the most - where the coyotes will "spot".

I'm most fortunate. Brownie listens to me and will come back immediately when I call. He is very much aware of the coyotes and what their plans for him are. I have never had him on a leash when we do our walkabouts.

Likewise - I am ALWAYS with him when he goes outside. On our long walks - I will always be carrying a gun. It's proven to be an effective method to scare off critters that have come too close. I very seldom shoot to kill.
   / Walk the dog, then post a photo #13  
She has to say hi to the kiddos across the street
   / Walk the dog, then post a photo #15  
GSD? Nice looking dog. If God hadn't made labs, that's what I would have.
She's funny with the calves. She gets up close to them. Then starts hopping about wanting them to play with her.

There were three up at the fence today. Just got a pic of the one calf and it's momma though.
   / Walk the dog, then post a photo #16  
Dftodd - my little brown Cocker Spaniel will do the same thing. Up to the barbed wire fence - race about - wanting the yearling calves to play games. Mama will catch sight of this - move up to the fence and put a quick stop to all this horsing around. Everybody is SO much bigger than my Cocker. Still - Mama doesn't want the younguns fooling around with the foreigners.
   / Walk the dog, then post a photo #17  
I haven't been around cattle much but they seem to be very inquisitive creatures.
   / Walk the dog, then post a photo #18  
I haven't been around cattle much but they seem to be very inquisitive creatures.
The calves across the street are really inquisitive. They will usually gather at the fence when we are out walking.

Of course, one of the adults usually chaperones them to make sure they don't get into too much trouble