Water lines

   / Water lines #1  


Veteran Member
Dec 9, 2014
Armstrong, British Columbia
Kioti 2610, 580 SuperM Case Backhoe
A lot of discussion on water lines and yesterday my wife notices low pressure in the house. It's been hot and dry here for mons. and we've been watering every day. I have a 1,200 gal. concrete reservoir fed from an underground spring ( so I don't have to use the well 350' deep 40 gal. per min.) I collect the water with a perforated 4" pipe which is necked down to 1"- 8' below ground and back filled with clay to keep surface water out. This is a very light flow 400' ft. to the reservoir and until now has always recovered enough over night to never run out. I guess running 2 or 3 sprinklers every day is to much. Any way from the reservoir to the house is a 200' drop 2" PVC so we have plenty of pressure and volume. Just down from the reservoir to the house I tied in with either 3/4 or 1" ploy ( what I happened to have on hand ) to have a hydrant at the mill for fire protection and a pressure washer. We've in invaded by voles the last few yrs. and I noticed lots of evidence right along where I buried the poly so today I thought I'd check for a leak in that section. Shut the valve off where it leaves the main line and pressured up from the hydrant back. All this long post just to show what might come in handy for others with some air and a gauge.
This I made up to check water pressure and also hooked up in new houses before drywall in case a nail punctured a pipe and new gas lines would hold pressure.

This thing I made up you can pressure up your lines and just use a tire gauge to see if there holding air.

No compressor handy use a tank of air.

My line held air so the voles hadn't chewed them . Over night the reservoir had recovered 12" but we've been using 18" for the last wk. so we'll just have to reduce water consumption for a while.