What did I end up with?

   / What did I end up with? #1  


Elite Member
Apr 6, 2000
Knoxville, TN
International 1066 Full sized JCB Loader/Backhoe and a John Deere 430 to mow with
Wife went to an estate sale, dragged me along as she needed help loading some things in trailer.
Saw some things (like a Bostich pneumatic floor nailer that looked like it had only put down a single room of flooring.... for $50)

Anyway, saw this and got this along with another box, primarily of hoses, some new in bags maybe one old one? Probably 5 pair of hoses all......





Question one is, may I presume I did ok? (I'm fine if I got hosed)

My real question is.... what all is this? There is no regulator nor tanks. Just what you see plus the extra hoses.

The picture with the silver and bronze rods/sticks in them.... what are each of those?
One of the pictures shows an attachment that has two 'tines' at the end, not a single outlet. What is that for? Kind of looks like something you stab into a turkey so you can cook it from the inside out!!! (ok that's a joke lest someone think I'm going to stab a turkey!)

2 Rods.jpg
   / What did I end up with? #2  
Better dry out that SMAW rod before you use it. I bet the flux is waterlogged and it looks like some ancient OA stuff that is basically worthless except for scrap.
   / What did I end up with? #3  
Industrial artifacts . Very cool Marquette tool box with decals and patina. great Ebay item :) The torch twin tip ( turkey fork looking thing) is primarily used for soldering tubing. two flames heat both sides of the tube at the same time. other tips are for cutting, heating, welding and soldering. tip cleaner and wrenches for old welding gas tanks.
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   / What did I end up with? #5  
great find, worth the $30 they are all kind of soldering tips, and two cutting torch handles (one very old). I don't know what the soldering tips are specialize for but they would emit different flame size or heat distribution, I would like to think the rods are silver sod and bronze sod sticks but why the loop at the end if that's what they are? and also look like a very heavy gauge, usually their not so thick.

these wrench or to open and close the bottles, the other are torch cleaning tips
   / What did I end up with? #6  
All the welding rods are 6013, I don't think they have the same issue that 7018 has...

I agree, the tanks are where the money is but you will have no problems getting your money out of it all if you put it on Ebay or something... might be usable, might not...
   / What did I end up with? #7  
The Victor style cutting torch is their Weldskill or Fire Power version. I can tell from the knobs. Not all that old due to built in flash arrestors and around $100 new. Made in China but very functional.
   / What did I end up with?
  • Thread Starter
Had another question about the items above.

I think I've read that you can use acetyline (which is the hottest?) and you can use MAP gas.....or even propane however, each of those gives a cooler flame.

Is that true that one could use propane? Reason I'm asking now is, I have three 100 pound tanks. One/two of them will probably be pretty full when winter is over. It will sit idle over summer.

If I wanted to play around to learn on something, could I use one of those tanks as the propane source....obtain an O2 tank and play til my heart is content. If I get the hang of some things, great.... maybe I can continue with the LP since I already have it or I can move to hotter things and then get a tank of Acetlyn (I never know how to spell that and am being lazy to look it up, so pardon me for that)

If above would work as an experiment my logic is I can get to the point of playing around on something to learn for less outlay of cash up front since I'd be using my LP gas and not have to get another tank (other than O2)

If I decide 'bah humbug.... not worth all the effort' (I don't think that would really happen) I don't have an Acetlyne tank to now dispose of, I just roll my propane back to where I keep it.

   / What did I end up with? #9  
You have a bit of hodge podge there. You have the Marquette stuff that has been obsolete for 25 years. you have 1 prest-o-lite air acetylene tip and a Victor style Cutmaster or Firepower handle with cutting attachment. All of the stuff is for acetylene.
If you were to get into some torch play, I'd suggest buying 2 brazing tips for the Victor style torch handle like a size 0 and size 2 and 1 cutting tip size 1 either in propane or acetylene depending on which gas you want to cut with. Harbor freight stuff would work as they like most copy Victor. If you want to braze and weld with it you will need acetylene for the ease of use. Propane and other alternate fuels can be forced to braze but they carry a large hard to manage flame. They are great for heating and cutting however. You have a ways to go that should start with reading and youtube videos including safety. There is a good Victor safety video out there by my old buddy Tim Taylor (rip). Fun stuff once you get it. Good luck.
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