What does "free natural gas" really mean?

   / What does "free natural gas" really mean? #11  
It means what it says,free gas. They drill a well on your property you might own a certain percentage or all of the mineral rights,,part of that deal might be free gas,might even be a deal like that made if pipeline was run through your property.Filtering,they seperate the water from the gas at well before you would get it,,it'll burn just fine,,just need regulators,high and low pressure,,put a tap on the pipe line somewheres with a valve,regulators,gas line,,might need a drip or two,[something to catch extra water in low spots so it don't freeze],,maybe even a heater,,,but you got free gas.I've had it at least in three places I've lived,,all of these from very old wells,,not enough gas to make it profitable to sell but plenty for one or two homes for 100 years or more. Hooked up several taps when hooking up new wells,[some authorized some not],,,,don't know how much its done nowadays but in the old days it was common,,,,,,lotta gas wells in ohio,w.va.,pa. areas,,lotta people getting free gas too. thingy
Where would I look to find a person that could hook up a well for me? We live in NE OK and have an old will on our property.
   / What does "free natural gas" really mean? #12  
Where would I look to find a person that could hook up a well for me? We live in NE OK and have an old will on our property.
Retired oil/natural gas wells commonly had the well pipe pulled. Do you know what's still there? I know because I worked on some retired wells.
   / What does "free natural gas" really mean? #13  
Who is going to filter out all the bad stuff & add the odorant that is required ? Nat gas without odorant is dangerous.
I worked in oil fields that used there own natural gas to run pumps. No odor, no filtering amd I was there welding on those lines.
   / What does "free natural gas" really mean? #14  
My wife used to live on property owned by her father, got 'free gas' when a well was drilled on the parcel. It was limited to a certain amount, and only valid as long as that house was standing. The gas was 'raw', straight from the well, with minimal filtering, and it seemed the pressure would vary at times. It also had alot more moisture in it than what they would normally provide you with from a 'consumer grade' line.
Alas, that house has been vacant for 10+ years, and is slowly rotting into the ground. Family politics that borderline on feud eliminate the possibility of us living there when it could have been salvaged (years ago), its too far gone now. But still has free gas....
   / What does "free natural gas" really mean? #15  
That’s a shame but it happens more than I would have thought.

Here I was thinking free natural gas was related to beans…
   / What does "free natural gas" really mean? #16  
   / What does "free natural gas" really mean? #17  
I wish I had free natural gas. The only free gas anyone gets around here is radon.
I wonder if there is a capture the radon gas and use it for some good? Jon
   / What does "free natural gas" really mean? #18  
We have free gas. While.it is supposedly limited, I've been told by the owners of the well that they don't actually care how much we use. Yes there is more moisture in it, and it can be a pain to keep the well head area from freezing up in the winter. We've been using it here for 14 years now and I've pretty much got it down now.
Fingers crossed this winter 🥶
   / What does "free natural gas" really mean? #19  
There was a house in our neighborhood growing up that had a gas well. They hit the gas while drilling a water well. This happened well before I was born and is still going strong now.
They had installed a blow off valve to let the excess pressure off when needed and there was a pilot light next to it. I remember pulling the rope attached to it and the flame would roar like a jet.