What is your favorite produce from the garden ?

   / What is your favorite produce from the garden ? #22  
Corn is my favorite. Don't grow it myself, but we're close to where they grow Silver Queen Corn which comes in late July, and Silverodo Corn which comes in a bit earier. I love it cooked on the grill. Sometimes we cook in the husk ...othertimes we'll shuck em and wrap them in foil. Add some butter and salt and wala. Ummmmm good.

Tomatoes would be my second favorite. I put mayo on my tomato sandwich ...or sometimes just eat em plain with salt an pepper.

What do you all put on your tomato sandwich? I"ve heard of peanut butter...but never tried it that way.

Moon of Ohio
   / What is your favorite produce from the garden ? #23  
"( I think in our case it's a toss up between fresh grown tomatoes and sweet corn. )

E x a c t l y !"

The same here ....... /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / What is your favorite produce from the garden ? #24  
Rhubarb is mine. It's a perennial that keeps coming up each spring. I get 2 maybe 3 cuttings each year before the frost comes in October. I cut the stalks as pieces and bag and freeze them. During the year I pull these bags out of the freezer--one at a time, cook down the rhubarb, mix in some strawberries, and the resulting mixture is a real nice laxative to sooth the digestive system. I think it's something like what Grandma used to call roughage.

   / What is your favorite produce from the garden ? #25  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( <font color="blue"> I think in our case it's a toss up between fresh grown tomatoes and sweet corn. </font> )</font>

That's got my vote too. I didn't plant any corn this year, I don't know why not, and I'm missing it already. I may just have to go put some in. It's hard to beat fresh picked corn, straight from the garden, prepared any way.

I've never had any luck growing the huge beefsteak type tomatoes but I do pretty good on the medium and cherry sized ones. I like to plant different colors just for the variety in the summer salads. I also plant lots of Romas for drying and paste. There is just something special about a fresh, vine ripened tomato.

Same thing with bell peppers, multicolors, freeze and dry those too.

My wife handles all the lettuces, radishes and other salad vegetables. She does it much better than I do. At least that's what I tell her. /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

I always plant some green beans for my M-I-L. She loves then fresh and canned. Ofcourse, I always get paid back in kind. It seems liks a good deal to me!!!!

I plant lots of different types of squash for my wife. She loves to pick them when they're really small and saute them whole. Mmmmmm ...... good.

I almost forgot, fresh asparagus has got to be right up there too. I only wish that the season for cutting them was longer. I really love them.

Now if I could only stop those darned squirrels from eating all my apples, pears, peaches and pecans ... life would indeed be good. I suppose it's time to get the 20 gauge out and prepare for the annual summer battle. I wonder who'll win this year?????? /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
   / What is your favorite produce from the garden ? #26  
OK, I'll be the first.
Can you say , OKRA?
Here in SC there is an okra festival. Fried with corn meal they are really great. Also, they grow all summer, no diseases, few pests. You can pickle them, or add them to veg stew. Also, for the toothless gardner, they'll slide right down with just a little gumming!!!!
There is coconut okra, shirmp okra, raisin okra, cinnamon okra, chocolate okra..................
   / What is your favorite produce from the garden ? #27  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( OK, I'll be the first.
Can you say , OKRA?
Here in SC there is an okra festival. Fried with corn meal they are really great. Also, they grow all summer, no diseases, few pests. You can pickle them, or add them to veg stew. Also, for the toothless gardner, they'll slide right down with just a little gumming!!!!
There is coconut okra, shirmp okra, raisin okra, cinnamon okra, chocolate okra.................. )</font>

I just planted four(4) twenty yard rows. We will see how they turn out.


   / What is your favorite produce from the garden ? #28  
Me too Pine. Corn is @ 16 inches and the maters are in need of their cages. Got 26 plants out, looking forward to making salsa!! Planted my okra too early, will replant next week. Been unseasonably cool here like most places. I almost did not plant corn this year. There is a place south of here where you can pick for .07/ear and it is really good corn, believe it is G90.
   / What is your favorite produce from the garden ? #29  
Corn and tomatoes here too. I had mine in three weeks ago and the frost killed it all, now I have to start over. The Roma tomatoes around here cost $1.09 each and I lost 6 of them, 14 plants total. It burnt the potatoes off at the ground too and the corn was 2-3 inches tall-ain't no more.