Grading What size of rear blade for B3030 - help

   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help #1  


Silver Member
Dec 8, 2006
Jefferson City, MO (central)
B3030 w/ FEL and 72" midmt
I am trying to determine the proper size of blade for my B3030 - and considering either the 6' or the 7'. Obviously I want the blade wide enough to clear the tires when I have it angled for plowing snow and maintaining the driveway. Probably about a 6.5' would be ideal, but they typically aren't sold in that size. And if it is too big then tractor can't handle it either (particularly in a heavy/wet snow).

Any advice fellas from your experience?
   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help #2  
I'd say you need at least 6' to cover the tires for when angled. The heavier the better as they need to weight to cut well.
   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help
  • Thread Starter
Remembering my high school geometry formula for a triangle that a2 + b2 = c2 for a triangle, I was trying to determine the "width" of a 6' blade when it was angled. But not owning a blade, I don't know how much the "swing" would be when I angled it to determine this - I would guess when you angle them it would swing back at least 2' on the side from center point. So not sure if a 6' blade would be wide enough. But 7' looks like a monster
   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help #4  
I have a Woods 6' and it's plenty enough, angled even. I think 7' would be a bit too big for it, more likely to stop you in your tracks if it loads up. The 5' model Kubota suggests for this tractor is a joke.
   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help #5  
Pardon a "blue" guy from looking around in an "orange" thread, but I'm a nerd (engineer) by nature and can help with one part of this. I'm not familiar with a B3030 or its capabilities, but I can help you figure out how long the rear blade needs to be. Do you know either the angle you'd want to plow at or the offset (as mentioned by RussMan)? If you know either just plug this into a calculator: W = width of rear tires, B = length of blade needed, Y = offset OR theta = the angle you'd plow at

I did at least make the tractor orange here. :)
   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help #6  
I use a Woods RB72 (6') rear blade for clearing snow from an 800' driveway with my B3030. You will have ample wheel clearance at all settings. A seven foot blade would be a bit much for the B3030 to handle as snow piles up along the face of the blade, particularly if wet.

I usually run the blade reversed (e.g. facing backward) and clear snow by backing down the drive.

I purchased a front snowblower as well for heavier snow, but haven't yet found cause to use it, even with snow falls of six inches :( . We didn't get much snow last year . . . I strongly suspect that mere ownership of the snowblower has guaranteed little future snow in much the same way as washing the car guarantees rain. ;)
   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help #7  
I'm an engineer by profession, although a 10th-grade trig student is just as qualified to do the math here... since I don't have one of those handy, I'll do it meself. :)

W = 54.5" (B3030 w/R4s)
B = 72" (6')
Max Theta = 40.8 degrees (just shy of 45 diagonal, which is too severe to be practical)
Max Y = 47"

However, the max angle on my RB72 is 30 degrees. At that setting, the effective blade width is 62.4", or about 4" extended past each tire (at 0" offset).

Like I said, 6' is big enough. My lane is about 750' so Leeds and I are in the same boat.
   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help #8  
I have a Landpride RB3572 on my B2910 (same size a B3030). It's a brute. But provides the weight I wanted to counter balance the 6 1/2' Curtis snow plow I have. It has the added feature of blade angle with a hydrulic cylinder.
Here is a picture of it mounted on tractor.
   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help #9  
Spiveyman said:
Pardon a "blue" guy from looking around in an "orange" thread, but I'm a nerd (engineer) by nature and can help with one part of this. I'm not familiar with a B3030 or its capabilities, but I can help you figure out how long the rear blade needs to be. Do you know either the angle you'd want to plow at or the offset (as mentioned by RussMan)? If you know either just plug this into a calculator: W = width of rear tires, B = length of blade needed, Y = offset OR theta = the angle you'd plow at
View attachment 84811

I did at least make the tractor orange here. :)

Looks good except that the blade pivots in the middle, so both ends of the blade move to a narrower position.
   / What size of rear blade for B3030 - help #10  
I vote for a 6 footer. I bought a 5' with my B3030 and soon found out it wasn't quite big enough for plowing snow. I traded it back in for a 6'. I also think a 7' would be too much at times. An angled load of heavy snow would throw a B3030 around and could also be hard on the tractor if you hit something solid on the end of the blade at snowplowing speed. Lots of leverage out there that might do damage to the 3PTH mounting area on the back of the tractor.

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