What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics

   / What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics #81  
I had to pick up and carry my wife's horse, who died unexpectedly on our lawn last weekend. :(
   / What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics #83  
Rebar cage (500lbs.) about to go in the ground for a 51' ham radio tower.


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   / What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics #84  
I've used my loader to lift anything I can't lift by hand. Other than the usual moving of sand, dirt, stone, etc I have used it for many uses such as:
Holding up many a deer for skinning and hosing out, moving dead carcasses to their final resting place, unloading a friends twin post garage lift from the back of a truck, unloading metal roofing sheets off a flatbed and lifting those sheets up to the roof on 2 houses, lifting the back end of a Datsun 240Z junker car and pushing it up on a trailer, moving logs, as a riding mower lift, lifted a grandkids gocart onto a trailer, unloaded my garage air compressor and set it in place in the garage, lifted my Bobcat 250NT welder / generator to set it on a rolling frame I built for it. The list goes on and on. Some may call these strange things moved but I consider my loader as having the strength of 8 guys labor I don't have to pay. By the time I click post it I'll have thought of another dozen or so uses.
   / What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics #85  
Some may call these strange things moved but I consider my loader as having the strength of 8 guys labor I don't have to pay.

Last year I rented a walk behind concrete saw from Home Despot. It's a 2-man job to get it and out of the truck; but at home I was by myself. Got Bambi out to unload it from the truck and put it back when I was done.

When I got back to Home Despot, I had a conversation with the Despot tool rental guy that went something like this:

Me: I'm here to return some fun I rented earlier today.
Him: OK sir, I'll help you get the saw back in the store...blah...blah...blah.

Him: Did you have any trouble with the saw sir?
Me: Nope, it worked great. The only trouble I had was getting it out of the truck myself until I got my girlfriend to give me a hand.

Him: You've got a girlfriend who helps you with this stuff?
Me: Yep, she likes hard work and never yammers on a call phone.

Him: (Mildly startled at the thought of a woman not using a cell phone). Wow, you're a lucky man; where did you find a girlfriend like that?
Me: Her name is Bambi, and I got her at the John Deere dealership.

Him: (Busting a gut laughing).
Me: After telling me how you broke a finger lifting this very same saw into a pickup because an idiot customer dropped his side to answer his cell phone; I figured you could use a good laugh.
   / What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics #86  
A buddy of mine is a scrap hauler. A fellow a couple of miles up the road from me was getting rid of some iron, including the rear end of an old fire truck. I drove my Kubota L35 up there, and chained the axle, complete with tires, to the FEL. There wasn't enough lift to get the axle over the side of his mason dump. He dropped the tailgate, I held the axle in the air, and he backed under it. No photos, but that woulda been a good one.
   / What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics #87  
i've moved pigs with mine.. :)

here's my 1955 ford 1850 and 1-arm laoder with a pig cage inthe bucket... ran em thru the shoot from my pen on one property.. trailered them to my other than ran em into their new pens.

got some strange looks going down the road.. but.. :)


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   / What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics #88  
A great big chunk of petrified wood. Came out of the Cumberland Plateau in East Tennessee back in the 60s when Interstate 40 was being built. Moved it around in the landscaping today at the direction of the Boss. It's a section of a tree trunk about 30" diameter and 10" thick. Weighs about 500 lbs. Solid sandstone. The bark is really well defined and when it's clean you can see some of the growth rings.


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   / What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics #89  
Just my little tractor and I... we can put up walls .... simply bolt on a 6x6 jib pole and away we go.... just need to be carfull....


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   / What strange things have you moved with your loader..pics #90  
Aww shoot! No pics, but I moved a bunch of (so-called "portable") cross-country jumps at the local equestrian park last Friday. Most of them can be moved with four people and a pickup truck, but my Kioti DK45 made the job a lot less manpower-intensive.