What's with Europeans and plowing?

   / What's with Europeans and plowing? #31  
My mother was a "Queen of the furrow" in her day. It was a big deal. She got a Chrysler convertible as a prize and toured all over the place with Bobby Orr in parades.
   / What's with Europeans and plowing? #32  
Hi guys, I'm from Ireland. I Lived in Oregon for a number of years and brought back a JD 790 and lots of implements with me a year and a half ago. I really like Oregon and the US a lot. Been a member of this site for a while but this is my first time to participate in a discussion. I have gotten lots of great tips and ideas from all the great discussion here. Thanks. With regard to Ploughing, the 鮮ational Ploughing Championships is one of the biggest rural events that happens here in Ireland, late in September every year. It can attract up to 80,000 people each day, over three days, depending on the weather. A big part of the event is ploughing competitions of all kinds, but it痴 also a really big agricultural and 喪ural living trade show. It痴 considered to be a big day out for a lot of 祖ountry people after the harvest is complete and is one of one of the biggest events of it痴 kind in Europe. Have a look at the link below.

National Ploughing Association