Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase

   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase #1  


Bronze Member
Jun 24, 2021
Hi all,

Never owned a tractor before but recently built a home on a lake that's tucked away down a 1/3 mile private gravel road (note that I consider the house driveway and the 1/3 mile gravel road to be separate) and each day when I drive by the tractor dealer on my way home I find myself longing for one more and more. Things I see myself utilizing a tractor for:

* Driveway snow removal - we get 200-300" of snow a year - (front blower, I currently plow the driveway and the 1/3 mile gravel road with my super duty and 8' boss v plow. Would minimally like to remove the driveway snow with a front blower, thinking the plow is probably best for the 1/3 mile road?)
* Beach sand landscape rake - lots of grass grows on the beach and random debris washes up on the beach - thinking a landscape rake would be best suited to kill the grass and clean the beach sand regularly - would be open to advice on this though
* Front loader with bucket for random bucket related landscaping activities, gravel repair, beach sand spreading, etc
* Lake ice rink snow removal - optional but would be nice
* Future implements: log grapple for firewood (we burn 5 full cord of wood each winter), forks, log splitter (does this hook to a hydraulic line or the PTO?)

I'm sure there are 20 more reasons I haven't thought of yet but that's my starter list. I stopped at the dealer today and was pointed to a big number of brochures but that only led me to more confusion. Whatever I end up with will need a cab with heat and A/C, if I took a random uneducated guess as to what I should be looking for I would think I need something in the 40HP range, but I honestly have absolutely no idea. I've tried poking around kioti, Kubota, new holland, and JD websites but feel foolish pretty quickly as I get overwhelmed with all of the options. I haven't been super impressed with kioti's fit and finish when I sat in them but maybe I'm being too picky.

Am I on the right track? Do you have any recommendations for things I should read or watch? I love forums so if I end up buying a tractor I will definitely be sticking around here.

Thank you.
   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase #2  
I would check out a Yanmar YT235C if you have a dealer
near you. Really a great machine.

   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase #3  
Hi all,

Never owned a tractor before but recently built a home on a lake that's tucked away down a 1/3 mile private gravel road (note that I consider the house driveway and the 1/3 mile gravel road to be separate) and each day when I drive by the tractor dealer on my way home I find myself longing for one more and more. Things I see myself utilizing a tractor for:

* Driveway snow removal - we get 200-300" of snow a year - (front blower, I currently plow the driveway and the 1/3 mile gravel road with my super duty and 8' boss v plow. Would minimally like to remove the driveway snow with a front blower, thinking the plow is probably best for the 1/3 mile road?)
* Beach sand landscape rake - lots of grass grows on the beach and random debris washes up on the beach - thinking a landscape rake would be best suited to kill the grass and clean the beach sand regularly - would be open to advice on this though
* Front loader with bucket for random bucket related landscaping activities, gravel repair, beach sand spreading, etc
* Lake ice rink snow removal - optional but would be nice
* Future implements: log grapple for firewood (we burn 5 full cord of wood each winter), forks, log splitter (does this hook to a hydraulic line or the PTO?)

I'm sure there are 20 more reasons I haven't thought of yet but that's my starter list. I stopped at the dealer today and was pointed to a big number of brochures but that only led me to more confusion. Whatever I end up with will need a cab with heat and A/C, if I took a random uneducated guess as to what I should be looking for I would think I need something in the 40HP range, but I honestly have absolutely no idea. I've tried poking around kioti, Kubota, new holland, and JD websites but feel foolish pretty quickly as I get overwhelmed with all of the options. I haven't been super impressed with kioti's fit and finish when I sat in them but maybe I'm being too picky.

Am I on the right track? Do you have any recommendations for things I should read or watch? I love forums so if I end up buying a tractor I will definitely be sticking around here.

Thank you.

I’ve been tractor shopping for something in a similar size with a cab.

I was particularly impressed with the Massey Ferguson 1800M and 2800M series cab tractors in regard to fit and finish/useful features.

On the log splitter thing I feel like it would slow down wood production to use a tractor mounted splitter especially if you have help because now the tractor can’t get more wood while the logs are being split.

I don’t know how thick your lake ice gets but tractors with cabs generally start around 3000lbs and go up to about 5000lbs on the small end of cabbed tractors.

If you don’t have a side by side UTV those can be somewhat useful to complement tractor work with supporting tasks or just buzzing you around the property. I know it wasn’t part of your question but I’ve come yo enjoy my Can Am Defender on my 10 acres.
   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase
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Thanks for the reply. We get 18+“ of ice and the rink is right near shore. I have no idea if 40hp is enough I’m just guessing. We do have a side by side and I agreee!
   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase #5  
Thanks for the reply. We get 18+“ of ice and the rink is right near shore. I have no idea if 40hp is enough I’m just guessing. We do have a side by side and I agreee!

HP maters in two instances. Heavy ground engaging implements and PTO HP for PTO driven implements, potentially like a snow blower if it’s not hydraulically powered or something. You should also look at hydraulic flow of the tractor if you are planning on hydraulically operating an implement.

Basically look at the weights/power/hydraulic requirements of things you want to run and pick your tractor.
   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase #6  
I think 40 hp would be the maximum I would go. The combination of cab and a mid-PTO is narrowing down your options already. Most front mounted snow blowers are driven by the mid-PTO.
   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase #7  
I agree with espacef1fan in that the tractor weight might not be suited for lake / pond ice; and a side-by-side or quad might be a useful machine in addition to a tractor ... I use both
   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase #8  
I think 40 hp would be the maximum I would go. The combination of cab and a mid-PTO is narrowing down your options already. Most front mounted snow blowers are driven by the mid-PTO.

Allegedly the Massey 2800M series is available with mid PTO and is available in a 60hp version
   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase #9  
Hi all,

Never owned a tractor before but recently built a home on a lake that's tucked away down a 1/3 mile private gravel road (note that I consider the house driveway and the 1/3 mile gravel road to be separate) and each day when I drive by the tractor dealer on my way home I find myself longing for one more and more. Things I see myself utilizing a tractor for:

* Driveway snow removal - we get 200-300" of snow a year - (front blower, I currently plow the driveway and the 1/3 mile gravel road with my super duty and 8' boss v plow. Would minimally like to remove the driveway snow with a front blower, thinking the plow is probably best for the 1/3 mile road?)
* Beach sand landscape rake - lots of grass grows on the beach and random debris washes up on the beach - thinking a landscape rake would be best suited to kill the grass and clean the beach sand regularly - would be open to advice on this though
* Front loader with bucket for random bucket related landscaping activities, gravel repair, beach sand spreading, etc
* Lake ice rink snow removal - optional but would be nice
* Future implements: log grapple for firewood (we burn 5 full cord of wood each winter), forks, log splitter (does this hook to a hydraulic line or the PTO?)

I'm sure there are 20 more reasons I haven't thought of yet but that's my starter list. I stopped at the dealer today and was pointed to a big number of brochures but that only led me to more confusion. Whatever I end up with will need a cab with heat and A/C, if I took a random uneducated guess as to what I should be looking for I would think I need something in the 40HP range, but I honestly have absolutely no idea. I've tried poking around kioti, Kubota, new holland, and JD websites but feel foolish pretty quickly as I get overwhelmed with all of the options. I haven't been super impressed with kioti's fit and finish when I sat in them but maybe I'm being too picky.

Am I on the right track? Do you have any recommendations for things I should read or watch? I love forums so if I end up buying a tractor I will definitely be sticking around here.

Thank you.
Check out all tractors even those that don't interest you, compare everything and consider weigh, height from ground, type tired for intended terrain, got to get a loaded and four wheel drive, it's like anything you can get a lemon so reviews is your first action . Selecting the main part is most important (the tractor) the other stuff that hooks up to it is secondary. I could say hey buy mahindra, Bob could say get a Deere and so on but I'm the end your choice is the joy factor. Consider a tractor for what you absolutely have to use it for them everything else will fall in place, a 40 hp can do a lot that's a perfect size really. Good luck with your search.
   / Where do I start? Long road ahead - first tractor purchase
  • Thread Starter
I agree with espacef1fan in that the tractor weight might not be suited for lake / pond ice; and a side-by-side or quad might be a useful machine in addition to a tractor ... I use both

sounds good. The ice clearing was an idea not a requirement. Thanks.

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