Where to buy herbicide & supplies?

   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies? #1  


Elite Member
Sep 9, 2002
I live in the far suburbs near farm country. I'm helping out with a project at our local park to control phragmites, an invasive reed. I've been advised that I need to wipe it down with 2% solution of glyphosate with a surfactant and a tracking dye added. Total treatment area is about 1/2 acre.

I know this is probably a simple question, but is this something that I can just buy at a Tractor Supply or similar? Any particular brands that I should look for or concentrations that would be better to start with? I know how to calculate the 2% end product. Is the tracking dye usually mixed in or do I need to purchase that separately?

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   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies? #2  
I live in the far suburbs near farm country. I'm helping out with a project at our local park to control phragmytes, an invasive reed. I've been advised that I need to wipe it down with 2% solution of glyphosate with a surfactant and a tracking dye added. Total treatment area is about 1/2 acre.

I know this is probably a simple question, but is this something that I can just buy at a Tractor Supply or similar? Any particular brands that I should look for or concentrations that would be better to start with? I know how to calculate the 2% end product. Is the tracking dye usually mixed in or do I need to purchase that separately?


You can buy 41% glyphosate at TSC or most farm supply stores for $50ish or less for 2.5 gallons The original product, Roundup, is now off patent and generic brands are available at the lower price. The smaller containers you see at Wal-Mart,etc. usually have a lower % of the active ingredient. Some may argue that the generics don't perform as well as Roundup, but I haven't found that to be the case.

You can check the label to see whether the herbicide contains a surfactant. If not, you can buy the surfactant separately. I'm not aware of any glyphosate that contains a dye, but you can buy the dye separately.


PS If you buy the 41% solution, you will need 2.67 ounces per gallon of water.
   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies? #3  
You can get it pretty much at any decent garden centre.

I have to disagree about the generics. I say, stick with the actual brand of "Roundup". Theres been some horror stories of the generics gelling up in the sprayer during storage.
I cant speak to any differences in effectiveness though as all i use is the actual roundup or vision.
   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies? #4  
You can get it pretty much at any decent garden centre.

I have to disagree about the generics. I say, stick with the actual brand of "Roundup". Theres been some horror stories of the generics gelling up in the sprayer during storage.
I cant speak to any differences in effectiveness though as all i use is the actual roundup or vision.

I don't have any direct knowledge of the gelling problem, but I don't store glyphosate once it's mixed. I can always find something to spray.

   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies? #5  
Theres been some horror stories of the generics gelling up in the sprayer during storage.

Not sure where you're hearing these horror stories, but there's little to no difference between generic and name brand gly. Regardless, is should not be stored in the sprayer. That's could cause issues no matter what you use.

For only 1/2 acre, you aren't going to need much glyphosate. I'd check with the local hardware store or any place that sells garden supplies. You should be able to buy a quart bottle, and that's all you'll need. Mix according to the directions.
   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies?
  • Thread Starter
Thanks for the replies so far. Regarding the marking dye - any recommendations? Can I just use some agua shade pond dye?
   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies? #7  
I wouldn't bother with the dye. It wouldn't be worth the cost for that small of an area, and I'm not sure you'd even see it when using a wiper. I suspect you wouldn't.
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   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies? #8  
I hope you understand that any Glyphocate is not a selective herbicide. It will kill everything you spray. You did say wipe what you are trying to kill. That would make sense to use the tracer dye so you can see where you have been. They do make wick applicators so you can wipe what you want to die.

   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies? #9  
   / Where to buy herbicide & supplies? #10  
It grows mainly in wetland environments.
It also grows in plain old moist soil. I don't think wetlands are a prerequisite for it, but that may be why he planned to use a wiper.

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