Which tractor for the box blade: 35 hp 2wd or 21 hp 4wd?

   / Which tractor for the box blade: 35 hp 2wd or 21 hp 4wd? #1  

Rod in Forfar

Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2010
Forfar, Ontario, Canada
1960 Massey Ferguson 35 (Perkins), 1995 TAFE 35DI, 1980 Bolens G174, 2005 Kubota B7510, 2020 Kioti Mechron 2200ps UTV Troy-Bilt Horse 2 1988 Case IH 255 4WD with loader and cab
My TAFE 35 hp 2WD has a good loader with a leveling feature and 5' bucket. It has loaded agricultural rear tires and the Massey Ferguson float system on its 3 pt hitch.

My Kubota B7510 HST has no loader, turf tires, 4WD, and up-and-down 3pt hitch control. I use chains to the corners of mowing implements to maintain height control.

The job is to landscape around the new houses of a couple of friends in the area. I already have a good quality 7' 3 pt hitch blade. We also own a 4X7 dump trailer matched to the Kubota.

One task involves pulling sand fill out of an area next to large windows (under a deck 8' above), then moving coarse washed gravel into the space created to aid drainage. I'm a little twitchy about using the 7' blade and the bulky tractor in that space and would prefer the control that I think a 4' box blade would offer.

My question is: how much usability would I give up in going with the small box blade? The 5' 6" wide TAFE is a good, steady worker, though hampered on slopes by 2WD. With sun cap it stands about 7'3" tall.

Both lots involve slopes.

I have never used a box blade, though I am pretty good with the 7' blade.
   / Which tractor for the box blade: 35 hp 2wd or 21 hp 4wd? #2  
If you are going to be working in close quarters get a box blade for the Kubota. If you are not worried about the extra size and weight of the TAFE get a box blade for it. You could get box blades for both.

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