Who is excited for snow season? Not us! We're depressed due to lack of snow.

   / Who is excited for snow season? Not us! We're depressed due to lack of snow. #681  
Got about 6" today. So I tot out the toboggan and got some quality sledding in with the little one.

   / Who is excited for snow season? Not us! We're depressed due to lack of snow. #682  
When it was finally done, had about 6" total on the ground, about 5 from yesterday.
Took 2 hours to do the shared road, my driveway and the neighbors.
Their section of the road was still sheet ice from water runoff, tractor was a bit sideways but 4wd kept me on road.
   / Who is excited for snow season? Not us! We're depressed due to lack of snow. #684  
Here in east canada we can only garden the first week of june, I like ice fishing but need a shelter to cold just sitting on a bucket, I'm not into skidoos because we get so much snow in a storm you get stuck unless light weight and a long track , i had a long track years ago i should not of sold even had reverse, hard to find a skidoo good in breaking trails, new 4 stoke skidoos have long tracks but weigh like 1000 pounds, here we have trail groomers but not in my back yard

I could of bought a trail groomer few years ago it was in a field just sitting there with a busted front rubber sprocket for 10 years, bolts came loose and messed up sprocket , no forsale sigh, one day I stop to ask if for sale and he said he promised it to a guy, that was coming to get it in a week, if not i could buy it, 2600$ guy fixxed it and worth over 10k now, had 4foot wide tracks on it aluminum like new
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   / Who is excited for snow season? Not us! We're depressed due to lack of snow. #685  
Some of us really do get snow and own machines with low PSI, high HP which can work in it. Gave up on work sleds some 15 years ago.
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   / Who is excited for snow season? Not us! We're depressed due to lack of snow. #686  
Ended up with about 8" overall here from this last weekends storm. Nice thing about being retired and
having no appointments till the end of this week. Didn't start the truck or tractors all weekend long. Stayed warm and comfortable. After a late breakfast and a few cups of coffee this morning I went outside about 11:30 and got started. Used the little electric blower around the garage doors and walkway, Then back bladed a bit with the little Kioti then started using the Branson and back blade, a couple of hours latter it was done, warmed the truck up and went down to the mailbox and gathered up Sat and todays mail.
Now they are talking lots of wind and rain for Tuesday and Wednesday, so well shall see.

Question for you all when did they start calling rain events Areal flood watchs/warnings as opposed to not a real flood watch?
I also clear snow with a back blade. It works great for my application. I can get close to doors and angle where needed. Absolutely must have hydraulics to shed the snow on the longer runs. Use 8ft hd rear blade. 🙂
   / Who is excited for snow season? Not us! We're depressed due to lack of snow. #687  
Finally got to go ice fishing! (y) First time in 2 years. 16" of powder on top of 5" of clear, hard ice.

Long shadows...


Stayed for an hour past dark. Just caught some small ones. Threw them back for next year.

   / Who is excited for snow season? Not us! We're depressed due to lack of snow. #688  
Went cross country skiing with my wife yesterday. 12 degrees. Crisp and clear. Beautiful day.
   / Who is excited for snow season? Not us! We're depressed due to lack of snow. #689  
How much slush between snow and lake ice?