Why don’t you own a toothbar?

   / Why don’t you own a toothbar? #61  
Once I got my root grapple, I took off the toothbar on my bucket. Have not really needed it since.
   / Why don’t you own a toothbar? #62  
Three reasons I don’t own one:
1) They are not free.
2) It would get in the way of really useful stuff like bolt on forks, or a piece of 12” x 24” long steel C-channel, that I bolt under the center of my heavy duty bucket for transplanting trees or digging narrow ditches.
3) It would be tough to make a good grade backdragging with one of those.

I think it doesn't interfere with back dragging, if you don't want to dig in with the teeth just make your tilt less aggressive. If anything I think it makes it easier.
   / Why don’t you own a toothbar? #63  
I DO have a Rankin tooth bar. It's permanently mounted, via four large bolts, to my bucket. When I use the bucket - it helps get into my piles of dirt.

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