Winter Projects 2016-2017

   / Winter Projects 2016-2017 #11  
Wire in new backup lights on the Jeep with a separate switch.
Install new rear facing work lights on tractor.
In spring, a new sliding storm door for the front.
   / Winter Projects 2016-2017 #12  
Got several areas to address on my recently acquired 1930 Chevrolet to prepare it for enjoyment in 2017. It had been sitting since about 2004, and had to clean out the fuel tank, repair fuel pump, and install some correct parts to get it running. Will likely install a 6 volt alternator to improve upon electrical system performance, and some subtle turn signals.

Got a ton of other projects to complete before Spring, too, such putting casters under my sandblast cabinet and removing all the shrouds on the Wisconsin engine of my wood chipper to make sure it's clean so it doesn't overheat.
   / Winter Projects 2016-2017 #13  
working as a handyman for others to finish THEIR projects just leaves me little time for my own projects these days... how sad. Now i gotta figure out how to pay myself so i can actually finish all the gadzillion things i want to finish......:confused3:
   / Winter Projects 2016-2017 #14  
I have few too. Priority is to finish the greenhouse. I have it about 75% completedfront wall just needs the double doors, entire back wall needs to be sheeted, and one end gable to finish off. Also need to re-make a sign for SIL for their camper, create another 2 for 2 other family members for their respective campers.

Replace battery in tractor, last time I started it, itbturned over really slow before it caught. And seal up gaps in vapur barrier in crawlspace tp prevent humidity from coming in from the ground. This will be very time consuming.
   / Winter Projects 2016-2017 #15  
Redid our kitchen last year, which involved moving all my woodworking tools out of half the woodshop so they access the basement ceiling to redo the heat on that side of the house.

So this year, I am trying to put it back together in a way that is a little more usable and makes more sense.

That means making better spaces for the powertools so they are all at the same workheight and can share infeed/outfeed surfaces, and adding dust control. We are currently in the "make a bigger mess before you can reduce the mess" stage. I am trying to figure out storage options I will use besides the default of "leave everything on the bench and paw through it" which is my habitual default. I am not completely convinced I can avoid that completely, but having easy spaces to put things where they go that I can actually get to and use helps.
   / Winter Projects 2016-2017 #16  
Redid our kitchen last year, which involved moving all my woodworking tools out of half the woodshop so they access the basement ceiling to redo the heat on that side of the house.

So this year, I am trying to put it back together in a way that is a little more usable and makes more sense.

That means making better spaces for the powertools so they are all at the same workheight and can share infeed/outfeed surfaces, and adding dust control. We are currently in the "make a bigger mess before you can reduce the mess" stage. I am trying to figure out storage options I will use besides the default of "leave everything on the bench and paw through it" which is my habitual default. I am not completely convinced I can avoid that completely, but having easy spaces to put things where they go that I can actually get to and use helps.

Had to redo my shop last year because of mold issue. I had to call a contractor to take out the bottom 18" of wall, then pour a new concrete wall under the existing wall. When I put it back together, I built some cabinets along the back wall for the small power tools. In the middle I built a rolling cabinet for my miter saw. The saw stand is lower so the counter top works as supports for the long pieces. All the big power tools are on wheels so they can be moved if needed. I'll try to post some pics a little later
   / Winter Projects 2016-2017
  • Thread Starter
Got most of the Rotary Cutter doneBrush (2).jpgBrush (1).jpgBrush (3).jpgBrush (4).jpgBrush (5).jpg

Sorry about the picture rotation
   / Winter Projects 2016-2017 #18  
finishing up the pig roaster gotta get the iron cut to weld up a handle then paint.

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

2016 Peterbilt model 320 (A33073)
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New Smith Heavy Duty Cutting Torch Outfit w/Gauges & 50' of Twin Welding Ho (A33349)
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