Working the 4110 again

   / Working the 4110 again #1  


Veteran Member
Apr 15, 2005
Erin, Tenn.
2001 Mahindra 4110
The pollen sure is heavy this year but it's nice to be in Spring again - getting some varied tractor time in the past couple of weeks. I always get to use my tractor a little during the winter but it sometimes goes a month or better inbetween times, this time of year it rarely sits more than a couple of days. Just about ready to click over to 1800 hours soon, a little more tilling and another grass cutting will do it.

Been clearing some smaller trees and brush out in the woods right behind the house, the ground is still fairly moist and the trees are going over well, got some up to 8" diameter fully uprooted, then shove it out the rest of the way with either the bucket or boxblade. My neighbors were up from Florida last week and I cleared a short "road" thru their woods in the same manner - they were tickled to death. They can now get from the front to the back pastures thru the woods. I also installed some culverts & gravel for their driveway entry.

I busted-up about 1/2 acre of my front yard this year for my first go at a cash crop - used my 2-bottom plow, then bog disc, then the "new" used 5' tiller I bought back in the fall to finish it out. Am trying 2 types of sweet corn and will do some yellow squash and some watermelons I think. This is all seperate from my house garden - I've had it going for 4 years now, it's a 50'x100' and we grow all kinds of stuff in it.

Yesterday was my first grass cutting of the yard for the year, I have about 6 acres of yard minus the gardens. I now have a 6' finish mower that I bought used back in fall when I got the tiller - makes a nicer cut than the rotary but is quite a bit louder - my rotary has always been nice & quiet in operation - other people have even commented on it, it's an old Howse 6'.

The old 4110 is still workin' hard. I can't believe some of the posts I read in the various forums here about how you shouldn't push in reverse with your boxblade, or back drag with your loader bucket, or pick up on one side of your loader etc etc. Compared to alot of these guys I've really abused my tractor terribly but why is it my loader isn't bent - bucket still sits nice and level. My cylinders don't leak and aren't bent. My rear hitch arms aren't bent or broken - the draw pins on the implement are the sacrificial component that I've seen. I have to change them on my boxblade a few times a year but I accomplish huge amounts of work and nothing on the tractor is bending. I might change them once a year on my rotary from backing a little too quick and tapping a tree or something, sometimes I can just straighten them with my 10# sledge and get a little more life out of them. I can't count the times I've lifted the rear of the tractor off the ground with the loader bucket. I back drag dirt and gravel all the time - on a tall pile I'll drag the top back until I can climb it in reverse and catch it with the boxblade and then I'll use the float and back drag to smooth some quite often. Many times I'll reach in a tight spot in the woods with the bucket and back drag a stump out or large rock, the front wheels off the ground at times. I've dug quite a few good-sized stumps out of the ground with my loader bucket - just keep working all around it and popping the smaller roots until you can loosen the stump with the bucket. I guess maybe some of these other brand of tractors aren't built quite as heavily as my 4110. And no, I'm not still breaking front axles like I used to all the time, not since I changed tire size a couple years ago. I thought maybe my work habits were causing them to break all that time but it seems to be holding up fine since the tire change. I've still got my spare 2 axles just in case ....

I'm hoping to get quite a few more years out of my tractor, doesn't use any engine oil between changes, or any other oils for that matter. Got some good rust going on some sheet metal and the base of the ROPS, might have to do something about that one winter soon. The plastic fenders are busted all over but still intact and attached. Have repaired the plastic tail lights many times but they are also still attached and operating. Will probably have to replace the ignition switch and light switch this year - the light switch has been on it's last leg for a couple of years but so far is working. The ignition switch has to be teased a dozen or so times to engage the starter sometimes - it's definitely the switch. I can use my remote starter switch at the starter terminals and works like new every time. I'll just get an aftermarket HD start switch - probably just a push button type, no key to keep up with. The original switch still engages the glow plug timer great and seems to be operating the accessories just fine. Everything else on the tractor seems to be operating OK so hopefully I won't have to start looking anytime soon for a replacement. Prices sure have gone up since I bought mine in 2002 !!

So, what do you get accomplished with your tractor and how is it doing for you ? Is yours a piece of equipment to work or a "Yard Corvette" you keep waxed and in the garage ?
   / Working the 4110 again #2  
So, what do you get accomplished with your tractor and how is it doing for you ? Is yours a piece of equipment to work or a "Yard Corvette" you keep waxed and in the garage ?
My tractor has gone beyond what I expected. From pulling full hay wagons on a state highway to moving and stacking over 100, 1000 lb, round bales with the loader. I often backblade and have bulldozed 8 in. trees, filled in a small pond by ripping out a hill on the side of my house with the loader, brush hogging my 25 of pasture and my "older" neighbors 50+ acres at least once a year, not to mention the snow removal during the winter, especially during the winter of Feb/07 with a 3 day 10 ft snowstorm. When I bought the tractor I had 20+ horses, kids in 4-H . Now I'm down to 4 personal horses, half dozen beef cattle, and kids in/or graduating college. Its not working as much hours as it did in the past, but it still works as hard when needed, its still under 1000 hrs but should come close late this year or early next.The 4110 has to be one of the better investments I have made.
   / Working the 4110 again #3  
Just starting out with my 4110. Got it late summer last year. 20.5 hours. Had it out for the first mowing of the year, Sunday. About 3 acres. I bought a Bushog 84" finishing mower. Really a nice mowing machine. Mine is not not noisey at all. I really enjoy what I call "pre flight". All the inspection of fluids and fittings, lube the zerts, check tires, etc. I do need to get a tank for diesel and pump the fuel. I have had two surgeries on one shoulder and the other needs one. I would like to spend 5 minutes with the person that put the fuel tank high behind the seat. I put a fire extinguisher on it last week. Read about that on this site, great idea. We had a sun screen mounted on the ROPS and that will help out this summer. Going to put the Howse 5 ft. bush hog on this week end and start the prep for the food plots. I have the Harbor Frieght quick attach hitch, new in box, and I will try to use that also. All and all just very happy with my decision to go with the 4110.:thumbsup:
   / Working the 4110 again
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Rickstir - Yea, fueling-up has always been a workout. Plus that plastic screen in there is almost useless - I've always had to remove it so I could get my very large funnel in there. I added an aluminum extension tube to my funnel so it would stay in the fuel neck (made a big mess too many times when that funnel fell out !!). I have a .50 cal ammo box mounted right on the back for a toolbox and that is my 5 gal jug "rest" while I get into position. I stand on the left lower 3ph arm with one leg and put my other foot on top of my toplink cylinder and rest the jug on that leg to fill until the jug is about 1/2 empty, then manhandle it the rest. I can imagine if I had an upper body disability of any kind it would be almost impossible to fuel with a jug.

I've always greased the front "suspension" and loader grease fittings every time I use the tractor - early on I tried to keep the excess grease cleaned off but gave up on that years ago, now I just pressure wash about twice a year. Actually the big wad of grease kinda "seals" the joints and keeps some crap from getting in there, once it gets it's initial skim of crap on it !! Of course I always wipe the fitting off before sticking the gun to it. I only grease my brake & clutch fittings 2 or 3 times a year, and my 3ph level box maybe every month or two. I've been lucky and all my fluids stay where they are supposed to, even with the hours and "abuse" I don't have fluid leaks.

The canopy is definitely a necessity in my opinion - my prior tractor didn't have one so I can compare. My canopy will keep me dry in a downpour as long as there is no wind with it - many times I got caught in a Florida rain way out in the fields and stayed dry - I was amazed the first time this happened to me. Was actually able to drive the tractor slowly and still stay dry.

Even with all of my problems early on I think the 4110 was worth it - with all the work it's done that has amazed me - has done the work of several different types of equipment that you wouldn't think a tractor of this size could do. I hope to keep it for many years to come.
   / Working the 4110 again #5  
My little 3510 has been a workhorse for us. From moving mountains of hurricane debris to spreading loads and loads of dirt, picking up everything from concrete to a hot tub, and grading miles of gravel road, I don't know how I would do without it. It has been completely reliable so far (5 years now) despite having been used for stuff it was never intended for. I had to talk my wife into spending the extra money for 4wd and a loader, but she readily admits that it was the best decision we could have made.
   / Working the 4110 again #6  
I think it's like using any tool or piece of machinery... some have a feel for when "enough is enough".

The same guy that will break drill bit after drill bit (when there's no need), will be the guy that will bust up his tractor {and his car, garbage disposal, and lawnmower as well} :)

Either you got the feel, or you don't... that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
   / Working the 4110 again
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I think it's like using any tool or piece of machinery... some have a feel for when "enough is enough".

The same guy that will break drill bit after drill bit (when there's no need), will be the guy that will bust up his tractor {and his car, garbage disposal, and lawnmower as well} :)

Either you got the feel, or you don't... that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

I agree - but sometimes you get a good piece of equipment, sometimes you don't. I've had my 4x4 Nissan 17 years, my 3 hp push mower 21 years, my good weedeater 16 years, my el cheapo McCullough Wildcat chainsaw 20 years and have used and sometimes abused every one of them to the extreme and they all still start & operate just like they're supposed to. Having been an auto mechanic for over 30 years helped - knowing how & when to maintain & repair. Yea, my several drill indexes are quite old with only a few replacements over the many years - mainly the Snap-On cobalts from snapping or chipping in a really tight situation on exhaust studs/bolts. Sometimes you just can't help it if you need to get the job done ....
   / Working the 4110 again #8  
I will be "pre-flighting" the 4110 this afternoon. Have to move it out of the pole barn and get my brothers tow-behind brush hog out so he can take it out to Kansas to work on food plots. I am going to take the time to put a harness on the battery which will allow me to plug in my Battery Tender a lot easier. I will cut about an acre since I will have her out and warmed up.

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