Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you?

   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you? #81  
Anyhow - I will do just that dodgeman - I'll let them stew a bit and then call back with a ho-hum demeanor...

As my wife said last night - the saga continues and it feels like a bad sequel...

If you really want the tractor, you'll gain nothing by posturing or getting into a strategy game of wits. I would say you should be courteous but firm in your offer and as prompt as you would wish someone would be to you. They have probably been agonizing over the price and you are the one they called. If you want the tractor and are prepared to pay what you offered, I'd be on the phone and forget the rest of this, but that's just me. You have to do it the way that makes you feel best.
   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you?
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If you really want the tractor, you'll gain nothing by posturing or getting into a strategy game of wits. I would say you should be courteous but firm in your offer and as prompt as you would wish someone would be to you. They have probably been agonizing over the price and you are the one they called. If you want the tractor and are prepared to pay what you offered, I'd be on the phone and forget the rest of this, but that's just me. You have to do it the way that makes you feel best.
And - good point too...
   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you? #83  
Good morning fishpick,

I just found this thread & read it all.....You have had some good members giving great advice and their experience with equipment that has been sitting for a while.

If this is the tractor that you really want, then i hope you get it.

Keep us posted & Good-Luck!!!
   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you?
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Short followup...
Called - left message.
Got called back this morning - middle man... he screwed up my name and also kept referring to my FIL as my "uncle" (OK - whatever).
Said "I don't know what transpired on the phone conversation you had with her [the sister]".
I gave him the short version - told him that I was comfortable with my valuation... He jumped in (with attitude) and said "really - because I asked around too - and it's worth more - where did you get your information?"
I replied "Three independent dealers, multiple web sites and the Iron Orange Book from 2006 - all agreeing within $500-$1000 of my offer."
His response (with heavy attitude and inflection) : "Ohh (pause) well (pause then voice turns aggressive) we have someone who's interested and has offered more - so are you gonna offer more?"
My response - "NO, no I'm fine with my offer in cash - can pay you today - no financing issues like your last buyer. I wish you the best of luck - with your other offer - which I would have taken as soon as it was made if I were you." (maybe you can tell from my response - I was past having any interest in dancing anymore)
"Yeah - well I think it's worth more (click)"... so apparently my offer was so offensive he felt compelled to hang up on me.

Given that my FIL told me this clown wanted to talk to me this weekend - I didn't get around to calling him until Monday night - and he didn't call me back until this morning... I gotta really believe the other phantom offer is a piss poor attempt at pulling the used car salesman tactic. Ohh well - there are lots of other tractors in the world...


Epilogue: If you have never seen a copy of these IRON Search Official Guides ? Used tractor and agricultural equipment appraisals - AWESOME resource for any used ag equipment. And - I found an AWESOME dealer should I choose to go blue down the road...
   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you? #85  
If it were me I would just walk away and leave them to their delusions of 'gold plated tractor'. And as far as its being worth more :rolleyes: what some fools don't seem to grasp is something, anything is worth exactly what one is willing to pay for it at any given moment in time. And since no one seems to be willing to pay their inflated out of reality pricing then it is basically worth nothing and will continue to be 'climate controlled' until they get it - which is unlikely.....
Move on to something else- who wants to deal with people like that anyway- life is too short.:)
Good luck
   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you? #86  
mmm, cloudy the future is... but I forsee a callback in a couple days... ( bad yoda impression)

   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you? #87  
It Sounds to Me Like the in Between Guy is Trying to Profit off of it . Theres Probablly a set Price Allready & Your Offer Might Meet it But Not alowing Him enough profit. Just a guess though . Bob
   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you? #88  
I feel that if they are not willing to deal with you directly and go through this middleman guy, they deserve to keep the tractor. If I remember you talked directly with one of the principles and she said that they would be in touch, which they weren't. If they had a better offer, why did they call you back? (Loud godlike booming voice) There was no higher offer! Sorry, my small attempt at Cecil B. Demille (sp) direction.:D
   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you? #89  
I just finished reading this thread. It is amazing at the beginning of the thread the tractor was probably a good deal, now after dealing with a jerk the tractor seems less appealing even though it is the same tractor with the same issues.

I think you are wise in seeking advice here. It was probably in your advantage to have the sellers drag their feet so the urgency and thrill of getting a deal would fade and it would seem less important 30 days later. I know that some things I thought I needed didn't seem so necessary with some time to cool off.

Who knows, somebody might scoop that tractor up for the price the seller wants (they probably won't be a TBN member :)).
   / Would a 2000 model year tractor w/ 5 hours scare you? #90  
There was a 2 year old TC48DA for sale for $5K more than the original tractor mentioned by Fishpick. What was the matter with that tractor?:confused: More powerful and much newer than the 2000 tractor. Sounds like that was a better deal anyway.;)