Wrong place at the right time.........

   / Wrong place at the right time......... #11  
I am off of River rd and Second Branch. I have a horse farm and boarding barn. I'm sure glad you came out of it ok. I try not to do much dangerous stuff unless I have somebody with me. My wife stays in the house so much she wouldn't miss me til bed time. So I try to pick my jobs for when I'm by myself and when I have help. I have two boarders that that help me a lot and one is a nurse. I've noticed since I turned 50 I stumble more and and don't have near the strength I used to have.
   / Wrong place at the right time......... #12  
Wow, just glad your able to tell us the story and a good one it is! Thank you for telling it, be safe out there cause as you said we never know.
   / Wrong place at the right time......... #14  
Speaking about getting hit in the head. I'm reminded of this incident in my past one fine day at work. As you may or may not know I worked as a Lineman for the provincial electrical utility and we were out doing some maintenance on a "H" frame 72Kv line, doing stick work to change out a spar on an energized line. Anyways, one guy was almost to the top of the high pole with the shield wire, about 45 feet above ground level, and the next guy to go up was at the bottom of the same pole and he went and stepped on the handline that the guy up the pole had attached to the mandatory breakaway handline hook on his belt. This caused the handline to snap out of the hook and start falling to the ground, sheave and all. The idiot that had stepped on it noticed the rope piling up rapidly in a pile on the ground right beside him...and just stood there...watching.

This is a picture of the three inch sheave.


I immediately knew what had happened but the idiot didn't! Next thing you know the obvious happened, the sheave nailed him right on top of his hardhat! Put him to the ground, too! To this day ever time I remember that incident I mentally insert a thought bubble over him as I picture him watching the rope pile up beside him. :D

   / Wrong place at the right time......... #15  
Good story mace, helmets may feel dorky and can get in the way for sure. Same with chaps. To me it's worth the inconvenience. In your story, the guy with the helmet on got put to the ground, but not put in the ground because of safety equipment. Good thing he only got to think about the rope for a second or two... If he'd had longer, he might have looked up to see what was going on and caught it in the face.
   / Wrong place at the right time......... #16  
Darn - that is a wild story. I've got quite a few very large dead Ponderosa pine - from pine bark beetle. I've left them for the woodpeckers too. I might check those that are close to where I always work.
   / Wrong place at the right time.........
  • Thread Starter
Speaking about getting hit in the head. I'm reminded of this incident in my past one fine day at work. As you may or may not know I worked as a Lineman for the provincial electrical utility and we were out doing some maintenance on a "H" frame 72Kv line, doing stick work to change out a spar on an energized line. Anyways, one guy was almost to the top of the high pole with the shield wire, about 45 feet above ground level, and the next guy to go up was at the bottom of the same pole and he went and stepped on the handline that the guy up the pole had attached to the mandatory breakaway handline hook on his belt. This caused the handline to snap out of the hook and start falling to the ground, sheave and all. The idiot that had stepped on it noticed the rope piling up rapidly in a pile on the ground right beside him...and just stood there...watching.

This is a picture of the three inch sheave.


I immediately knew what had happened but the idiot didn't! Next thing you know the obvious happened, the sheave nailed him right on top of his hardhat! Put him to the ground, too! To this day ever time I remember that incident I mentally insert a thought bubble over him as I picture him watching the rope pile up beside him. :D


Cool story...........Yeah, I can imagine the look on the guys face, staring at the line piling up like that wondering; that's weird,:scratchchin: why is that rope doing that? :laughing:

I worked as a lineman for the telephone company a couple years back in the early 70's. That was back when we still climbed poles with hooks and a lineman's belt. Today I don't think most telephone men even know what hooks are any more, if they can't get a bucket truck to a job they call a contractor to do it.

Thanks for sharing. If anyone else has stories like this or ones like mine please feel free to share. It just might help someone else stay out of trouble some day.
   / Wrong place at the right time.........
  • Thread Starter
I am off of River rd and Second Branch. I have a horse farm and boarding barn. I'm sure glad you came out of it ok. I try not to do much dangerous stuff unless I have somebody with me. My wife stays in the house so much she wouldn't miss me til bed time. So I try to pick my jobs for when I'm by myself and when I have help. I have two boarders that that help me a lot and one is a nurse. I've noticed since I turned 50 I stumble more and and don't have near the strength I used to have.

Hey! Yeah, I know the area well. Well...I used to, it's been awhile since I was up that way. I have friends that live off Beech rd and I have some of my X wife's people live on Spring Run. I used to hunt all over that area until it started to grow so fast it was hard to find property or owners that would allow you near their land. I probably wouldn't recognize the area anymore if I happened to get out that way.

At 50 you are still a young buck. I some how made it to 67 and other than a few pains here and there I still do pretty much anything I ever did.........just a little slower, but I keep at what ever I start out to do until it's done. The main thing is to stay active. I found that if I sit around for a few days and do nothing, it's hard to get back at it. I set out each day with a couple projects to do and keep at it until they are finished and if that don't happen, there is always tomorrow I just add that to my to do list for the next day. Around here there are always more projects than time to do them so it's easy for me to stay active. Which reminds me I have to get my butt off this puter and get to work. Have a great safe day.
   / Wrong place at the right time......... #19  
And they say trees can't attack you...
   / Wrong place at the right time......... #20  
Crazy story, glad you were ok. This summer I had something similar happen. I was walking with my wife, she was maybe 10' ahead and I had our baby in a carriage. I heard a pop and stopped. About 2 feet in front of me and between me and my wife a big tree came down across the trail, probably 12-15" across where it would have hit us. Lucky it had very few branches.

As they say living is dangerous