Yanmar to the rescue

   / Yanmar to the rescue #1  
Nov 5, 2012
YM186D, Ditch Witch 6510
Odd thing just happened-- one of my kids who was studying at the table around dusk suddenly looked out the window into the yard and said "WHOA-- a horse just went by the window!"
All of a sudden there were two horses and riders-- going all around the house, in the front yard, back yard, another one standing in the driveway, guys running around with lassos--WTH?
Figured it must be some local rancher who lost an animal. Turned out to be the case. I went out to find them hog-tying a ~600lb steer on the trail in my woods, right in the area where I had planted a bunch of pine seedlings. They didn't have much to say to me other than they had been looking for it since the morning. I told them about the pines (one of which was already stomped-on), and wondered how they proposed to get the steer out of there. They seemed to be considering how to drag it out to the road with their horses, but weren't very clear on how to do that.

I went and got the Yanmar (186D) with the 3pt carry-all holding a pallet. They rolled the steer on and it lifted the animal (barely), though one of the guys jumped on the front bumper to counterbalance it. I brought it right out and into their trailer on the road.

But the people didn't seem to think anything of running around and riding their horses all over the property without ever coming to the door or anything to say what was going on or who they were. I put the tractor away and started walking out the driveway, but they were already leaving. No thank you, no apology, no nothing.

Anyway, it was nice to have the Yanmar.
   / Yanmar to the rescue #2  
That's kind of rude.
   / Yanmar to the rescue #3  
Obviously too important to be distracted by the demands of common decency.
Hope they weren't rustlers.
   / Yanmar to the rescue #4  
Probably thought they were in open range being in Texas. :D
   / Yanmar to the rescue #7  
They should have asked for your permission and then thanked you for your help. And repaired any damage that they did.
   / Yanmar to the rescue #8  
While you had the steer on the pallet, you should of drove it into your slaughter house, and used it to fill your freezer. LOL
   / Yanmar to the rescue
  • Thread Starter
Well, guess who was lounging in the yard when I got home the next afternoon?
That's right. The same steer.
First i noticed several cloven-hoof trails across my freshly-tilled garden space, and found that one of the wires on my trellis row was snapped.
Found the culprit loafing in a small clearing in the brush nearby.

Chased it off my lot, and it ran on down the road and through the open gate into a government facility. I'll let them have some fun with it.
   / Yanmar to the rescue
  • Thread Starter
He is in TX (per his profile).

Aaron Z

Yes i'm in Texas, east/central. More cattle than crops around here, although there's some cotton. Mostly scrubby oak & juniper woods though.

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